


Ellen McGirt 2017-05-11

萊蒂西婭·加斯卡聯合成立并負責運營全球首家致力于研究企業失敗癥結的智庫Failure Institute。這位墨西哥裔企業家爭取到一些優厚的投資和研究合作伙伴,其中包括政府機構、有影響力的投資基金、拉美跨國企業、墨西哥蒙特雷理工學院商學院和拉美開發銀行。各方合作的遠大目標是,幫助世界各地的企業領袖從失敗中吸取教訓。你有沒有創業失敗過?不妨隨手做做這份調查,找找問題所在。

剛開始Failure Institute組織了一系列名為“搞砸之夜”(FuckUp Night)的活動,將企業家召集在一起分享失敗的經歷,類似非營利機構TED大會。這項自曝其短的標志性活動如今成為致力于幫助企業家成功的全球項目,每個月約有1萬人在六大洲77個國家將近250個城市演講分享。




加斯卡將這一輪創業稱為失敗得來的遠見。和“搞砸之夜”這個名字一樣,這種對失敗的嚴肅審視既接地氣又不乏趣味,無論是從數據分析還是整體文化轉變方面看,這項全球運動對打造全球商業生態系統真正出了一份力。(某些國家的人看待失敗比其他國家冷靜。)通過全球每月約200場“搞砸之夜”分享會和Failure Institute專注的調查,加斯卡及其團隊可能比學界和傳統案例研究認識更深刻。





粉絲拿了好成績 饒舌天后妮琪·米娜包學費



記錄非裔美國人生活的月刊Ebony將裁撤將近三分之一編輯,并與姐妹刊物Jet合并。主編基爾·凱爾斯將離職,雜志將離開1945年創刊以來的總部芝加哥遷往洛杉磯。2016年5月,創辦Ebony和Jet的家族企業Johnson Publishing將兩家雜志賣給德克薩斯州的私募公司CVG Group。母公司變動帶來了震動,不久就出現了諸多問題。一些Ebony欠薪的自由職業者開始公開抱怨,在Twitter上都用統一標簽“Ebony欠錢”。




事件發生在美國弗吉尼亞州雷斯頓一家Trader Joe超市。當時,隊列中一位好心的顧客讓一名女子插到自己前面。不知什么原因,那位插隊的女士開始閑聊,說起另一名戴著頭巾的女穆斯林顧客怎么不好。在允許閑聊女士插隊的顧客確認戴頭巾的顧客是穆斯林后,就出現了令人難堪的一幕。通過馬利克的穆斯林身份矩陣觀察,我們會發現這次交流很有教育意義。首先可以看到,針對戴穆斯林頭巾的顧客,那位女士很坦然地公開發表反伊斯蘭言論。其次,在被一位事后證明為伊斯林的人質疑后,那位震驚的女士試圖以更尖刻的言辭為自己辯護,她提到了女性的割禮和據稱為“穆斯林”的美國前總統奧巴馬。這次事件是個教訓,告訴人們提醒一位對穆斯林并不友好的頑固分子,會有什么結果。













Leticia Gasca co-created and runs the Failure Institute, the first think tank devoted to studying the nuts and bolts of business failure. The Mexican-born entrepreneur has some well-heeled investment and research partners: Government organizations, impact investment funds, Latin American multinationals, Mexico’s EGADE Business School and the Development Bank of Latin America among them. Their lofty goal is to help business leaders from around the world learn from their mistakes. Did you have a business that failed? Take this handy survey and help the cause.

The Failure Institute started as a series of one-off events called "FuckUp Night," an evening that brings entrepreneurs together to share stories of their failures in a TEDx style setting. It remains the irreverent signature event of a now global program devoted to helping entrepreneurs succeed; some 10,000 people a month are showing and telling in almost 250 cities in 77 countries on six continents.

It all started in 2012. Gasca was fresh off her first failed attempt at social entrepreneurship, selling handicrafts made by indigenous women to wealthy folks in Mexico City. After a mezcal-filled night of sharing candid stories of dead businesses with friends, she realized it was “one of the most meaningful business conversations ever,” honest and full of real learning. Why not make it a thing? FuckUp Night was born.

From Gasca’s delightful profile in Ozy:

After settling on a regulated format (each speaker would have seven minutes and 10 slideshow images to share their story), the first FuckUp Night was organized a couple of weeks later — the first of around 1,000 events that have taken place to date. The growth has been totally organic, says Yannick Kwik, the new CEO of FuckUp Nights. They cannot market events on Facebook, Google or Twitter “because we have the word ‘fuck’ in our name,” but changing the name is out of the question (although hosts in certain Islamic countries are allowed to use the acronym, FUN). “When someone fails, they say ‘Fuck!,’ they don’t say ‘Darn this’ or anything else,” says Kwik, arguing that FuckUp Nights’ “punk, underground” roots have honesty and frankness at their core. Potential hosts from cities around the world contact the FuckUp Night team seeking a license to use the brand for a small monthly fee. Around 40 companies, from Coca-Cola to Microsoft to Citibank, have paid to host private FuckUp Night events for employees.

Gasca has embraced her calling as a failure visionary. And as fun and profane as it all sounds, the serious examination of failure has a real contribution to make to the global business ecosystem, in both data analysis and a collective culture shift. (Some countries are cooler with the idea of failure than others.) With some 200 FuckUp Night meetings a month around the world and dedicated Failure Institute surveys, Gasca and her team are on track to generate far deeper insights than anything available from academia or traditional case study models.

And it's an inspiring idea. Anyone got any worst practices to share? You get the FuckUp license, I'll bring the tequila.

On Point

One of the many white men named Chris poked fun at Hollywood’s lack of diversity

Chris Pine is both a talented actor and a good sport; his first-ever SNL monologue was a funny riff on how many scruffily handsome white guys named Chris are currently taking up space on the silver screen as action stars and super heroes. It was a fun conceit, made even funnier by the early appearance of Leslie Jones who confused him with the other Chrises: Evans, Hemsworth, and Pratt. The Washington Post’s Amy Wang correctly points out that these types of non-threateningly handsome white men are now interchangeable for a reason. In a Hollywood business model that has a “tendency to play it safe,” a Regular Jamaal or Jimena Q. Citizen are not going to fit the bill.

Got good grades? Nicki Minaj pays

It was a joy to watch unfold. Saturday night, after a fan tweeted the star asking, “Well you wanna pay for my tuition?” Minaj went on a surprise giving spree, funding some or all of the school fees for anyone who could prove they had good grades and could verify the costs with their school. A lot of excellence was on display along with some real need. “I have $500 left of my tuition to be paid, single mother raising me and my lil bro.. from Queens, you would help a lot,” tweeted one. You in the back - relax with the “it’s not sustainable” grumbling. You keep throwing those starfish, Nicki.

Ebony Magazine gets downsized

Ebony magazine, the monthly chronicle of African American life, is cutting nearly one-third of its editorial staff and consolidating operations with its sister publication, Jet. Also gone is the editor-in-chief, Kyra Kyles. The magazine will be moving to LA; Chicago has been home to the publication since 1945. Johnson Publishing, the original family founders of Ebony and Jet, sold both publications to Texas-based private equity firm CVG Group in May 2016. The transition was a rocky one nd troubles soon followed, including a spate of unpaid freelancers who took their grievances public under the hashtag #EbonyOwes.

On Muslim identity and profiling

Nesrine Malik has created an “identity matrix” and “privilege scale” for Muslims, a rubric of cultural markers that predicts how likely it will be that a Muslim person will be identified and discriminated against or otherwise harassed. “Certain attributes and accoutrements offer some Muslims a ‘pass,’” she writes. “A pass almost always depends on the ease with which an individual can blend into the affluent dominant culture. It sounds dramatic, and it is.” She goes on to describe the current slate of Muslim identities ripe for outside analysis and “othering,” from the radicalized, angry youth, to the Mipsters, or Muslim hipster.

Code Switch

The incident happened in a Reston, VA Trader Joe’s after one shopper kindly allowed a woman to cut ahead of her in line. Out of nowhere, the line-cutter started killing time by saying negative things about yet a third shopper who was wearing a type of head covering called niqab. When the shopper who let the woman into line identified herself as Muslim, a nasty conversation ensued. The exchange, viewed through the Muslim identity matrix, is instructive. First, we see that the woman making Islamophobic remarks felt comfortable publicly targeting the shopper wearing niqab for abuse. Second, the shock of being confronted by a person who turned out to be Muslim forced the woman to escalate her rhetoric; in an attempt to defend herself, she mentioned genital cutting and “the Muslim” Obama. An object – now viral – lesson of what happens when you remind a bigot that they’re not among friends.

The Woke Leader

Many white supremacist groups are tax-exempt

A lot of them! Eric Amarante, Assistant Professor of Law and Director of the Community Economic Development Clinic at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, would like to remedy that. His lengthy essay is worth a read, particularly if you are in the business of making robust arguments on racial remedies or tax law. But his argument is simple: “The IRS’s inability to identify hate groups in the tax-exempt application process not only means that the tax-paying public effectively subsidizes the activities of hate groups, but it also cheapens the tax-exempt status of all charities.” His solution? Narrow the overly broad definition of an “educational organization” to degree-granting institutions, distance learning and cultural institutions like museums or zoos, and eliminate the hate-based organizations that get swept in along with the legitimate ones. “The 501(c)(3) statute was adopted from ancient English law with little fanfare, debate, or thought. Enforcement of this poorly-considered law was entrusted to the IRS, an agency that, at best, is underfunded, and, at worst, is poorly suited to determine tax-exemption.” Does it seems like something worth lobbying about, corporate allies? Not all heroes wear capes, but plenty carry briefs.

A newly resurfaced letter showed that Nixon feared racism in America would drive the rest of the world toward Communism

The letter was dated 1959, a time when the U.S. was worried about a deepening Cold War with the former Soviet Union. The letter was written on official Vice Presidential stationary; the subject was school integration. “I am deeply concerned with the impact of racial division in terms of world power,” he wrote. “Most of the people of the world belong to the colored races. They deeply resent any slurs based on race.” If we look like a bunch of racists, then the rest of the world flocks to communism, he reckoned. “That would leave us disastrously isolated in a hostile world.” He also stated his personal opposition to bigotry. “I could not accept Hitler’s idea of a master race. I cannot accept the equally false principle of an inferior race.” One unsuccessful presidential bid later, his moral case against racism disappeared, evidently. This guy seemed decent, but Dick 2.0 was a disaster.

Trayvon Martin will get a posthumous degree from Florida Memorial University

The degree will be in aviation, a subject which delighted Martin when he was alive. The HBCU will award the bachelor’s degree during commencement ceremonies on May 13. Martin’s parents Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton will be on hand to accept it; Fulton is an FMU alumna. “Sybrina, our alum, epitomizes strength and dignity as she uplifts other victims of violence while effecting change for a more equal and just society,” the school said in a lovely statement. Click through for more, but if you want to preserve your Monday mood, skip the comments.


I could dream about being Toni Morrison. Or I could do. At film school, I discovered an entirely new way of telling stories. A way that suited me. A way that brought me joy. A way that flipped this switch in my brain and changed the way I saw the world. Years later, I had dinner with Toni Morrison. All she wanted to talk about was Grey's Anatomy. That never would have happened if I hadn’t stopped dreaming of becoming her and gotten busy becoming myself.

—Shonda Rhimes


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