
我知道這聽起來非常小氣,但我的公司每月花數百美元用于咖啡服務,提供各種美味的咖啡、調味品和日常用品。公司業務發展緩慢,我正在想方設法削減開支。如果我讓員工自掏腰包,或者干脆不提供咖啡,有錯嗎? 以前,公司會準備一壺咖啡,里面裝的只有一種咖啡。當然,特別是在煮了幾個小時之后,這些咖啡嘗起來很糟糕。同事之間經常會為輪到誰去重新做一壺咖啡而爭吵不休,更不用說因為整晚不關咖啡機引發的火災了。啊,真是美好的往日時光。 現在,我們有67種咖啡,五種甜味劑,還有茶和熱巧克力。我們用那些復雜的設備烹制這些飲品,這些設備不僅可以泡咖啡,還可以同時煎雞蛋和干洗衣服。這些福利都代價不菲。如今在公司提供咖啡的成本,要遠高于以往。希望削減開支的公司更是經常提到這些,只是人們通常不愿意承認而已。 不行。你不能取消咖啡。你現在每天開著寶馬(好吧,雖然是租來的,但依舊是一輛寶馬呀!)上下班,更不能要求人們為咖啡出錢。讓員工為咖啡出錢,可能給員工留下你是吝嗇鬼的印象,或者會出現你即將破產的謠言——這兩種情況都不是好事。事實上,類似于咖啡、不時提供的免費披薩午餐以及甜甜圈驚喜等福利,對于員工的積極性有著神奇的效果。而且,相比加薪,它們的成本更低。所以,別停止提供咖啡——你要尋找其他方法削減開支。本田雅閣也不錯啊。當然,我只是說說而已。 我的人力資源經理長袖善舞,八面玲瓏。事實上,她太熱衷于社交。她對公司里的其他同事都非常友善,我知道她下班后,曾參加過同事的派對,或者去同事家里做客。當然,她跟任何同事都沒有曖昧關系。但作為一名人力資源負責人,我擔心,她過于友善,這可能影響她的工作。你認為呢? 在一家公司里,人力資源經理要扮演一個非常值得信任的角色,事實也是如此。你希望他們接近員工,了解人們的想法,了解員工們的擔憂和疑問。你希望人力資源經理成為員工的支持者,提供良好的福利計劃建議,尋找其他方法吸引人才,提高員工的滿意度。但歸根結底,人力資源經理是在為你工作。她的職責在于,讓公司的最佳利益和與公司有共同目標(希望如此)的員工的最佳利益保持平衡。 可惜的是,在這方面,你無能為力。如果你不清楚哪些行為是不恰當或不專業的,你便無法告訴對方,她是否可以在工作之外與同事進行社交活動。你可以坦率地告訴對方自己的擔憂,這樣一來,至少她會知道你在想什么。但最終,你還是要讓她自己變得更加專業,清楚界線所在。(財富中文網) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
I know this may sound very stingy, but my company spends hundreds of dollars each month on a coffee service with all sorts of gourmet coffees, condiments and supplies. Business is slow and I’m looking for ways to cut back. Is it wrong for me to ask my employees to chip in or even stop getting coffee altogether? In the good old days you had a pot of coffee and one type of coffee called….coffee. Sure, it tasted awful, especially after left simmering for a few hours. Yes, there were often fights over who’s turn it was to make a fresh pot, not to mention the inevitable fire that occurred from leaving the machine on all night. Ah, the good old days. Now we have 67 different types of coffees and five kinds of sweeteners, not to mention the teas and hot chocolates. They’re all made on these complicated types of machinery that not only make coffee, but can fry an egg and pick up your dry cleaning at the same time. These things come at a price. The cost of providing coffee today is absolutely more than it was back in the day. And for companies looking to cut back on expenses, this is a conversation that comes up more frequently than is often admitted. But no. You can’t cut out the coffee. And you can’t ask your people to pay for it, especially if you still drive up to work every day in your BMW (and okay, it’s leased – but it’s still a BMW!). Asking your employees to pay for coffee will either make you out to be a cheapskate or potentially start a rumor that you’re heading into bankruptcy – neither of which are good options. Actually, perks like coffee, a free pizza lunch now and then or a surprise batch of donuts do a world of wonder for morale. And they’re less expensive than giving raises. So keep the java flowing – and find some other place to cut back on your expenses. Honda Accords are nice. Just saying. My human resources manager is a very nice and social person. Too social, actually. She has become very friendly with other people in the company and I know that she sees some of them outside of work at parties or at their homes. No, she is not romantically involved with any co-workers. But, as an HR person, I get concerned that she’s too friendly and this could compromise her job. What do you think? HR managers hold a very trusted role in an organization, don’t they? You want them to be close with your employees, to keep an ear on the ground and to listen out for concerns and issues. You want your HR manager to be an advocate for your employees and make suggestions about good benefit plans and other ways to attract talent and keep your people happy. But in the end, your HR manager is working for you. Her job is to balance what’s best for the company with what’s best for its employees, who (hopefully) have the same goals. Unfortunately, there’s little you can do here. As long as you’re not aware of any inappropriate or unprofessional behavior you can’t tell someone else who she can and can’t socialize with outside of the office. You can certainly talk with her and be frank about your concerns so at least she knows this is on your mind. But in the end you have to leave it to her to be professional and know her boundaries. |