無論規模大小,所有企業在創立初期都要經歷成長的痛苦。隨著企業發展壯大,客戶群擴大,產品越來越有人氣,看上去一帆風順,但有兩大問題能讓積極的進展戛然而止:人才不足,而對人才的需求又太大。 為了跟上人才需求,企業管理者最后還是要招募更多的員工。而與此同時,人才爭奪戰從未如此白熱化。現代企業面臨巨大的招聘壓力,招聘規模要大,動手速度要快,才能搶在對手前面把優秀人才招致麾下。 以下是企業在招兵買馬過程中穩步前進的三大高招: 必須清楚:招聘不力將付出極大代價 理論上,很多人都知道招聘決策不力最終會拖企業的后腿。比如,招來的員工缺少相關技術,或者沒有足夠動力完成工作,或是與企業文化格格不入。這種招聘非但不會推動企業進步,實際上還可能拖累企業。但大部分企業低估了招聘不力對公司的影響。數據顯示,每次招聘失誤的平均成本往往是招聘員工年薪的五倍。因此,招聘前需要好好了解情況。 在企業全力開拓業務時,招聘的壓力如影隨形,很容易就形成匆忙招人、而不是等到真正合適的人再發出offer。這種不重視招聘質量的情況,幾乎不可能毫無影響,而且事實上都是負面影響。大部分管理者以為,只要能很快補足人手就能解決問題,因為有人總比缺人強。當真如此嗎?此言差矣。 真正的后果是: 需要六個月時間才能搞清楚,是否沒能招到適合的員工; 開始啟動某項正式的流程,教導或者管理該員工以提高業績,又要花三個月; 最后不得不解雇員工,開始找尋替代人選,可能還得花三個月。 這樣一來,你就浪費了整整一年時間。 但這還不是全部損失。在從發現招聘不力,再到被迫再次招聘期間,管理者還不得不把寶貴時間花在教導和管理對企業成長毫無幫助的員工身上,卻沒能好好培養團隊中真正的得力干將。 招聘要未雨綢繆,學會早做“伯樂” 在有效運用新技術和數據方面,人才招聘工作實際上已經落后于其他行業了。在這種情況下,老老實實地觀察企業的發展軌跡和渠道,明確未來需要哪些人才、以及何時需要用人,將是解決問題的關鍵。也只有這樣,才能夠更為具體地了解企業到底需要聘用哪種員工。 我們都知道,客戶關系管理主張銷售人員要“以客戶為本”,實際上招聘工作也需要以“應聘者為本”。 別再迫于形勢招聘了,主動采取行動吧。這樣還可能讓企業免受損失。 招聘要為企業發展服務,做好人才長線投資 如果你想讓企業走向成功,招聘時應該格外留心。錄用應聘者的標準不能僅僅是能勝任目前的工作。 運用現代科技手段,我們可以比以往更了解應聘者,可以掌握有關應聘者過往職位、業績案例、性格特寫等多種數據。企業應該為招聘做充分的投入,因為這是決定企業成功的最關鍵因素,否則可能功虧一簣。 這意味著,要加大招聘流程和面試培訓方面的投入,招聘流程中所有的人員都必須精誠合作。如今,互聯網已經可以幫助雇主在面試之前非常充分地了解應聘者。企業應該在一些工具和資源上增加投入,保證尋找、接觸并最終聘用的是真正希望擁有的賢才,而不是守株待兔,坐等人隨便找上門來。(財富中文網) 作者謝羅伊·德賽為招聘軟件公司Gild首席執行官。 作者:Sheeroy Desai 譯者:Pessy 校對:夏林 |
All businesses go through the typical “growing pains” no matter what size the company. Your business is developing, your customer base is thriving, your product’s popularity is rising — everything seems to be doing well. But there are two big problems that can grind that burst of positive development to a halt: not enough talent and too much demand. In order to keep up with the demand, you’re ultimately going to need to hire more employees. At the same time, the competition for talent has never been fiercer. There is incredible pressure for companies today to hire as many people as they can, as quickly as they can in order to lock down prospects before anyone else gets to them first. Here are three ways businesses can continue momentum through smart scaling: Understand the real cost of bad hires Many of us know, theoretically, that making bad hiring decisions will ultimately set the company back. Simply put, a bad hire (someone who lacks the skills or drive to get the job done, or is not a fit with your culture) won’t move you forward and in fact, may move you backward. But most companies underestimate the impact a bad hire has on their business. Data shows that the average cost of a bad hire can often be five times that person’s annual salary. That’s a much needed reality check. But in the midst of a company growth when the pressure is on, it’s easy to default to making thefirst hire instead of the right hire. The problem with that approach is that bad hires almost never end up having zero impact — they have negative impact instead. Most managers think that if they hire quickly then they’ve plugged a hole, becausesomeone’s better than no one, right? Wrong. Here’s what really happens: ?It takes you six months to truly figure out that the person is a bad hire. ?You start some type of formal process to coach or manage that person to improve his or her performance, which goes on for another three months. ?Finally, you fire the person and start the process of replacing them. That probably takes another three months. ?You’ve wasted a whole year. But that’s not all. Throughout the process, you, as a manager, had to spend your precious time coaching and managing someone who was having zero impact on your business instead of coaching some of the true superstars on your team. Hire ahead of the curve Take an honest look at your business’ trajectory andpipeline to figure out what employees you’ll need and when you’ll need them. This will give you a more detailed understanding of exactly what you need in a new hire. Talent acquisition has fallen leagues behind other industries in terms of using new technology and data effectively. Similar to howSalesforce has made salespeople “customer-centric,” hiring needs to get “candidate-centric.” Stop hiring reactively and start hiring proactively — it could end up saving your business. Hire for growth If you want to grow successfully, you’re going to have to hire deliberately. Simply hiring someone because they “can do the job” isn’t good enough. With the technology available today, we can get more information about candidates than ever before — data about their past roles, samples of their work, snapshots of their character, etc. Companies have no excuse for failing to invest in their hiring. It is the single most determinant factor of their ultimate business success (or lack thereof). This means investing in hiring processes, interview training, and strong collaboration between all team members involved in the hiring process. It means doing your homework outside of the interview process. Today, the Internet allows us to learn so much about a person before you even meet them. You need to invest in tools and resources to make sure you are finding, engaging, and ultimately, hiring the people you really want working for you, not just waiting around for whoever happens to fall into your lap. |