邁克爾?林頓——索尼影視娛樂公司 ????在2014年底,沒有哪家公司遭遇的媒體風暴像索尼影視娛樂公司這般猛烈,而且這場風暴仍在影響著該公司。這家電影公司在11月遭遇的網絡被黑事件引發了一系列危機:員工的敏感信息泄露、索尼高管的爭議郵件被公布、奧巴馬譴責索尼取消《刺殺金正恩》的上映計劃、電影界大佬指責索尼沒有維護言論自由。12月23日,索尼改變了主意,宣布《刺殺金正恩》將于圣誕節當天在為數不多的影院公映。這些爭議都堆在首席執行官邁克爾?林頓面前,他需要在2015年承擔起收拾殘局的重任。 |
Michael Lynton—Sony Entertainment ????No corporation faced as big a media firestorm in late 2014 than the one that's still slamming Sony Pictures. The hacking of the film studio's network in November set off a series of crises: the release of sensitive employee data, controversial leaked emails from Sony execs, a callout from President Obama over the studio's initial decision to pull the movie "The Interview" from distribution, and criticism from film industry big wigs that Sony failed to uphold free speech. On December 23, Sony reversed course and announced that it would put out a limited release of "The Interview" in theaters starting on Christmas Day. The controversies have landed in the lap of CEO Michael Lynton, who has the enormous task of picking up the pieces in the coming year. |