????經歷了一個失敗的賽季并錯失歐冠資格后,曼聯在轉會市場花費了1.825億歐元來提高實力。 ????蘭卡斯特大學管理學院(Lancaster University Management School)經濟學教授羅伯?西蒙斯表示:“如果一支球隊覺得自己有望獲得角逐歐冠聯賽的資格,它就會在轉會費和薪水上投入更多資金?!彼烙嫞捎阱e失今年的歐冠聯賽,曼聯的經濟損失將至少達到2,500萬歐元。 ????盡管如此,電視轉播收入的平等分配,讓英超聯賽的整體水平有所提高。 ????密歇根大學(University of Michigan)體育管理學教授斯蒂芬?斯曼斯基表示:“頂級英格蘭俱樂部的財務優勢不如整個英超聯賽的財務優勢大?!?/p> ????現在可以將它與西甲聯賽做一個對比。西甲聯賽是一個集中化市場,由皇家馬德里(Real Madrid)和巴塞羅那(Barcelona)兩支隊伍主導。德勤的數據顯示,這兩家是全球收入最高的俱樂部。 ????西甲球隊分頭洽談電視轉播權,所以這兩支頂尖球隊獲得了最大一塊電視轉播收入,它們在去年的收入均超過1.8億歐元。根據德勤的數據,電視轉播收入第一名和最后一名的收入比達到了7:1。 ????這要比意大利(4.4:1)和德國(2.5:1)高得多,更不用說英格蘭了。在一個由如此少的俱樂部統治的市場,大多數球隊都拿不出很多錢來追逐球員。在夏天的球員交易市場,巴塞羅那、皇家馬德里和馬德里競技(Atlético de Madrid,收入遠遠地排在第三)購買球員的花費,占據西甲球隊購買球員耗費總額(4.79億歐元)的81%。 ????因此我們有理由相信,英超聯賽會繼續保持球星最大買家的經濟統治地位。在新簽署的65億歐元轉播合同下,英超聯賽在今年5月結束的賽季中收入了19.5億歐元的轉播費,比上賽季的12億歐元提高了60%。 ????鑒于電視轉播費用的增勢迅猛,德勤預計英超聯賽在2013-2014賽季的收入將達到40億歐元,超出西班牙和意大利聯賽的收入之和。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 |
????After a bad season that saw it miss out on the upcoming Champions League, Manchester United spent €182.5 million on transfers to improve its team. ????“If a team feels it can make progress to qualify for Champions league, it makes an extra effort in transfer fees and salary,” says Rob Simmons, a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School who estimates Manchester United will lose at least €25 million by missing the competition this year. ????Still, the egalitarian TV rights distribution has made the Premier League stronger overall. ????“The financial advantage of the top English clubs is not as great as the financial advantage of the league as a whole,” says Stefan Szymanski, a sports management professor at the University of Michigan. ????Compare that to Spain’s La Liga, a concentrated market dominated by Real Madrid and Barcelona, the two clubs with the highest revenues in the world, according to Deloitte. ????Spanish teams negotiate TV rights separately, so the biggest chunk of the television revenues go to these top two teams, which each brought in over €180 million last year. According to Deloitte, the TV revenue ratio between the biggest and smallest earners in Spain is 7:1. ????That’s far higher than in Italy (4.4:1) or Germany (2.5:1), not to mention England. In a market dominated by so few businesses, most teams can’t spend significant sums for players. During the summer player buying market, Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atlético de Madrid (a distant third in revenues) accounted for 81% of the €479 million Spanish teams spent. ????There is reason to believe that the Premier League will hold on to its economic dominance its role as the biggest talent shopper. Because of a new €6.5 billion broadcast deal, Premier League teams took home €1.95 billion in TV fees in the season that ended in May, up 60% from €1.2 billion last year. ????With this boom in broadcast rights, Deloitte estimates that Premier League teams brought in about €4 billion in revenues in the 2013-2014 season, or more than the Spanish and Italian leagues combined. |