


Andrew Nusca 2014年06月12日


????為五位總統撰寫過演講稿的詹姆斯?C?休姆斯曾經表示,“溝通的藝術是領導力的語言。”溝通的確是門藝術。在今天這樣一個點“贊”無處不在的社交媒體環境中,一家《財富》美國500強公司的CEO可以共享遠在6,000英里之外的某位國家元首的狀態更新,然后在第一時間直接回應一位客戶的棘手問題,所有這一切全部在一分鐘內、在一個面向全世界的公共論壇上完成——這簡直是在走鋼絲!不是每位高管都敢嘗試 Facebook、Twitter,、Google Plus或商務社交網絡LinkedIn。但對一些商界領袖來說,社交是工作的一部分。作為《財富社交名人錄》專欄(Fortune Social Register)的處女秀,我們精巧細選了一組在社交網絡上最有影響力、經驗最豐富、最活躍、粉絲最多的商界人物。大家可以把他們稱為社交達人,或者社交花蝴蝶。但不管使用哪種稱謂,我們都覺得這份名單值得你轉發到社交網絡上,發表一下看法。

????For some business giants—and their millions of followers—social networking is part of the job. This is our handpicked list of the most influential, popular, and interactive businesspeople on social media.

????‘The art of communication,” James C. Humes, a speechwriter for five presidents, once said, “is the language of leadership.” And an art it is. In today’s fave-this, like-that social media environment, a chief executive of a Fortune 500 company can share a status update from a head of state 6,000 miles away and then respond, directly and in real time, to a tough question from one of his customers—all in the span of a minute, and all in a public forum for the world to see. (Talk about a high-wire act.) Not every executive has dared to give Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or LinkedIn a try. For some business leaders, though, socializing is part of the job. In our inaugural Fortune Social Register, we pick the most experienced, active, influential, and followed members of the business community. Call them socialites; call them social butterflies. Whatever the term, we can all agree that it’s something to tweet about.








????Bill Gates

????Social activity: 3

????Social network: 10

????Business influence: 10

????The Microsoft co-founder has always been a technophile, and it’s no surprise that he’s an active Twitter user. But he shines when tweeting figures about the philanthropic issues that are near to his heart, from rural poverty to urban education.

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