Claire Zillman
????福特 ????110多年前,亨利?福特成立了用自己的名字命名的汽車公司——福特汽車公司(Ford),他的夢想是銷售工人們能買得起的汽車。目前,福特家族的第四代與第五代均參與公司的運營。福特家族通過特殊類別股票,依舊控制公司40%的投票權。亨利?福特的曾孫小威廉?福特擔任著公司執行董事長。 |
????Ford ????Henry Ford founded his namesake auto company more than 110 years ago with a dream of selling cars that the workingman could afford. Today, fourth- and fifth-generation Fords help run the company, where they still control 40% of the voting power through a special class of stock. Henry Ford’s great-grandson William Ford, Jr. serves as executive chairman. |