????“管理變革”向來是一個備受企業界歡迎的演講主題,但約翰遜說,最近這些時日,變革管理越來越被視為一種靜態的,旨在改善現狀的策略。據他說,隨著公司竭力推動自己不斷前行,而不僅僅是被動應對所在產業和市場的快速發展,“引領變革”已經成為一個更受歡迎的演講主題。 ????哈佛商學院名譽教授約翰?科特制定了引領(而不僅僅是管理)變革的8步流程,他的單場演講費高達8.5萬美元。面向聽眾暢談引領變革之道的演講者還包括哥倫比亞商學院( Columbia Business School)教授麗塔?麥格拉思。麥格拉思受益于聽眾對不同演講者的渴望,約翰遜說,“觀眾想看到更多的女性思想領袖。” ????除了哈佛商學院資深女教授羅莎貝絲?莫斯?坎特(她的單場演講費高達4萬美元)以外,麥格拉思是為數不多的人氣女學者之一。這位極富魅力的演講者一直致力于闡述哪些問題讓公司領導者夜不能寐這類主題。答案是:我們是否把合適的人才放在了合適的崗位上?我們如何進一步改善創新和增長管理?我觀察公司運營現狀的視線是否正確,以便我及時做出明智的決策? ????高管演講公司的舍爾普說,流行主題的變化往往反映出商業世界內部的變遷。“演講選題隨著商業環境本身的改變而變化,”他說。“人們正在面對的商業問題,以及他們正在構想的解決方案,催生了相應的需求。” ????舍爾普說,有影響力的新聲音也在指導組織對演講者和演講主題的選擇。他說,吉姆?柯林斯的《從優秀到卓越》(Good to Great)這類書籍已經把聚光燈置于組織文化之上,從而激發公司尋找在這一領域擁有專長的演講者。麻省理工斯隆管理學院高級講師,組織學習協會(Society for Organizational Learning)創始人彼得?圣吉鼓吹領導層分權以提高生產率,并把系統理論應用到了組織文化之中。圣吉的出場費高達4萬美元。 ????演講者的酬勞通常可以根據演講地點、時間和內容進行協商。(財富中文網) ????以下是演講費最高的10位商學院教授,以及各自的最高身價(依據是他們在美國的最高出場費): ????1. 邁克爾?波特,哈佛商學院:15萬美元 ????2. 克萊頓?克里斯滕森,哈佛商學院:10萬美元 ????3. 約翰?科特,哈佛商學院:8.5萬美元 ????4. 約瑟夫?斯蒂格利茨,哥倫比亞大學商學院:8萬美元 ????5. 努里爾?魯比尼,紐約大學斯特恩商學院:7.5萬美元 ????6. 金偉燦,歐洲工商管理學院:7.5萬美元 ????7. 加里?哈默爾,倫敦商學院:5萬多美元 ????8. 道格拉斯?科南特,西北大學凱洛格商學院:4.5萬美元以上 ????9. 維杰?戈文達拉揚,達特茅斯學院塔克商學院:3.5至5.5萬美元 ????10. 馬文?佐尼斯,芝加哥大學布斯商學院:4.5萬美元 ????譯者:葉寒 |
????"Managing change" had been an in-demand speech theme for corporations, but lately, change management is viewed as static, promoting the status quo, Johnson says. "Leading change" has become the more popular speaking topic, as companies endeavor to push themselves ahead rather than merely cope with rapid advancements in their industries and markets, he says. ????Harvard Business School professor emeritus John Kotter, whose speeches cost up to $85,000, has formulated an eight-step process for leading -- rather than just managing -- change. Columbia Business School Professor Rita McGrath also speaks to audiences on leading change. McGrath has benefited from a desire for diverse speakers, Johnson says. "Audiences want to see more leading female thought leaders," he says. ????Aside from Harvard's Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the veteran female B-school prof who gets as much as $40,000 per speech, McGrath is one of the few female academics in demand. An engaging speaker, she tackles such topics as what questions keep company leaders up at right. The answer: Do we have the right talent in the right place? How can we get better at managing innovation and growth? Do I have the right line of sight to what is going on in my operations to be able to make smart decisions – in time? ????The shifting popularity of subjects often reflects shifts within the business world, Executive Speakers' Schelp says. "Changes within the business environment itself cause topic selection," he says. "The business problems people are facing, the solutions they're coming up with, are what generates the need." ????Influential new voices also guide organizations' choices of speakers and topics, Schelp says. Books such as Jim Collins' Good to Great have put a spotlight on organizational culture, prodding companies to look for speakers with expertise in that area, he says. Peter Senge, a senior lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management and founder of the Society for Organizational Learning, promotes decentralized leadership for enhancing productivity, and applies systems theory to organizational culture. Fees for Senge's talks top $40,000. ????Speakers' fees are usually negotiable, based on location, timing, and speech content. ????Top 10 B-school Speakers, Top Prices (maximum reported fees for U.S. appearances) ????1. 1. Michael Porter, Harvard Business School: $150,000 ????2. 2. Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business School: $100,000 ????3. 3. John Kotter, Harvard Business School: $85,000 ????4. 4. Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia Business School: $80,000 ????5. 5. Nouriel Roubini: NYU Stern School of Business: $75,000 ????6. 6. W. Chan Kim, INSEAD: $75,000 ????7. 7. Gary Hamel, London Business School: more than $50,000 ????8. 8. Douglas Conant, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management: $45,000 and up ????9. 9. Vijay Govindarajan, Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business: $35,000-$55,000 ????10. 10. Marvin Zonis, University of Chicago Booth School of Business: $45,000 |