????凱利?史密斯 ?????職位:市場營銷學助理教授 ?????年齡:34歲 ?????學校:西北大學凱洛格商學院 ????凱利?史密斯是知名高管領導力培訓師馬歇爾?史密斯的女兒,她魅力四射,憑借古怪的幽默感和通過真實場景解釋復雜的概念而走紅——她甚至還在課程視頻中剪輯了她作為選手參加真人秀電視節目《幸存者》(Survivor)的片段。她解釋說:“隨著教學經驗越來越豐富,我越來越重視課堂的趣味性,讓課程隨著內容的進展自然而然地浮現出來。” ???? |
????Kelly Goldsmith ????? Title: Assistant Professor of Marketing ????? Age: 34 ????? School: Northwestern-Kellogg ????The charismatic daughter of renowned executive leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith is known for her quirky humor and her explanations of complex concepts with authentic scenarios--she even incorporated clips of her stint as a contestant on reality TV show "Survivor" in a course video. "The more I teach, the more I give myself permission to have fun with the class, to really let the course organically emerge as we go through the content," she explains. |