Colleen Leahey
????美國參議院女性參議員人數創紀錄 ????第113屆美國國會的女性參議員人數達到20位——創下參議院歷史上的最高紀錄。這些女性參議員在推動兩黨對話、幫助美國政府結束今年秋天的僵局等方面都發揮了重要作用。除了在任多屆的成熟政治家外,許多政壇新星也獲得了越來越多的關注。比如來自紐約的陸天娜和新罕布什爾的凱利?阿約特。 |
????A record number of women serve in the Senate ????The 113th Congress hosted 20 female Senators -- the most in Senate history. The women have been credited with leading bipartisan conversations, helping end the disastrous gridlock that plagued D.C. this fall. Beyond the practiced politicians who've been in office for several terms, some up-and-comers have continuously gained buzz -- keep your eyes on New York's Kirsten Gillibrand and New Hampshire's Kelly Ayotte. |