????帕特里克?克里森從小在愛爾蘭長大,如今,25歲的他已是全球在線支付公司Stripe的聯合創始人。經歷過短暫的麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)求學生涯之后,他創辦了好幾家公司,其中就包括他和弟弟約翰?克里森共同創辦的Auctomatic網站。2008年3月,這家網站被Live Current Media公司以500萬美元的價格收購。 ????帕特里克和約翰如今住在舊金山,兄弟倆共同創辦的Stripe公司逐漸顯露出顛覆全球財務系統的潛力。Stripe公司的技術可以讓企業通過在線支付的方式擺脫復雜的貨幣兌換流程,隨時隨地地把產品或服務出售給任何人。目前,擁有80名員工的Stripe公司員工人數在不斷增長,而且還從安德森霍洛維茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)、紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)、貝寶(PayPal)創始人彼得?泰爾、馬克思?萊文奇恩以及埃隆?穆斯克等投資者手中募集到超過4,000萬美元的資本。 ????克里森癡迷閱讀和編程。最近,他跟《財富》交流了他最敬佩的科技企業家和公司、最近讀的書單以及如何從事最重要的工作等話題。 ????1. 你最敬佩哪位商界或科技界人士?為什么? ????在科技界,我常常把人分為兩類,一類是像道格拉斯?恩格爾巴特、泰德?尼爾森、艾倫?凱和J.C.R.立克里德等擁有遠見的人。他們能夠激勵人們創造出令人驚訝的成就,比如互聯網、麥金塔電腦(Macintosh)等等;而另一類則是像林納斯?托瓦茲、丹尼斯?里奇、文頓?瑟夫以及約翰?卡馬克這樣的實干家,他們親手創造了這些不可思議的科技成果。 ????我到現在也不清楚哪一類人更為重要,但我想,遠見與實干最好可以兼而有之。而像法布里斯?貝拉、杰夫?迪恩和丹?伯恩斯坦等少數人,他們的成就多得驚人。相比之下,我甚至因為成就平平而感到羞愧。所以,我無法選出最敬佩的人,通常來說,我比較欣賞那些善于思考、同時又能搭建基礎架構的人,而我們運營Stripe公司的許多想法也是源自于此。 ????2. 你比較欣賞的公司有哪些?為什么? ????我欣賞那些將投資周期作為競爭優勢的公司,比如那些會從事投資回報期超長、其他公司沒耐心等待的事業的公司,那些仍舊在艱苦地從事著基礎研究的公司、那些雖然規模龐大但仍然注重細節的公司、那些堅持超越自己業務范圍的宏偉事業的公司以及那些設法厘清一個行業基本行事原則的公司。 ????3. 企業家是不是非得上商學院? ????我想不出哪個偉大的企業家曾經上過商學院。 |
????Patrick Collison, 25-year-old co-founder of global online payment company Stripe, grew up in Ireland. After briefly attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he started several companies, including Auctomatic, which he co-founded with his brother John Collison and was later acquired by Live Current Media for $5 million in March 2008. ????Patrick and John now reside in San Francisco, where they founded Stripe, a company that has come to be a disruptor in the global financial system. Stripe's technology allows businesses to circumvent the complexity of currency exchanges with online payments, enabling them to sell products or services to anyone, anywhere, in minutes. Stripe's 80-member team is growing and has raised more than $40 million in funding from investors like Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and PayPal founders Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and Elon Musk. ????Collision, an avid reader and programmer, spoke to Fortune about what technology entrepreneurs and companies he finds most admirable, his laundry list of recently read books, and how to do important work. ????1. What business or technology person do you admire most? Why? ????In technology, I sorta see people in two camps -- the visionaries like Douglas Engelbart, Ted Nelson, Alan Kay, and J.C.R. Licklider who inspired others to do amazing things, like create the web or the Macintosh or whatever, and the implementers like Linus Torvalds, Dennis Ritchie, Vint Cerf, or John Carmack who've pulled off incredible technical accomplishments. ????I'm still not sure which group is more important. I guess you need both. There are also a few individual people, like Fabrice Bellard, Jeff Dean, and Dan Bernstein, who are just generally fabulously productive and make me feel guilty about how little I get done. I couldn't pick one person. In general, I have a bias towards people who think about and have built basic infrastructure. It's informed a lot of our thinking with Stripe. ????2. What other companies do you admire? Why? ????I admire companies that use time horizons as a competitive advantage -- doing things that pay off over a longer timeline than competitors are willing to wait; companies that still do hard, basic research; companies that manage to pay attention to the details even when they're big; companies that manage to retain a specific mission that's broader than their business; and companies that try to figure out how an industry should work from ????first principles. ????3. Is business school necessary for entrepreneurs? ????I can't, offhand, think of a great entrepreneur who went to business school. |