Poets & Quants
9. 杜克大學——福庫商學院
??得分:92.8 ??GMAT平均分:694 ??錄取率:26% ??2013年平均基本工資:110,000美元
近幾年,學院在MBA畢業生與求賢若渴的世界級公司之間成功地架起了一座橋梁。前往福庫商學院(Fuqua)招聘的公司的廣泛性和多樣性是學生質量的最好證明,也是對學院工作的最大認可。這也解釋了福庫商學院為什么在今年的排名中上升了一個名次。 |
9.? Duke - Fuqua
??Index: 92.8 ??Average GMAT: 694 ??Acceptance rate: 26% ??2013 median base salary: $110,000
Duke can lay claim to providing the MBA education for one of the most famous executives in the world: Apple CEO Tim Cook, the late Steve Jobs' handpicked successor. No school could get a better living advertisement for itself. In recent years, the school has had great success at matching its MBA graduates with world-class companies seeking the best and brightest. The breadth and diversity of recruiters coming to Fuqua is a testament to the quality of its students and what the school does with them. That helps explain how Fuqua moved up one spot on this year's ranking. |