????勞倫?康拉德 ????? 頭銜:創始人 ????? 公司:Paper Crown ????很少有人能像康拉德這樣能夠通過參加真人秀電視節目成為人生的大贏家。在美國MTV電視的熱播真人秀節目《拉古納海灘》(Laguna Beach)和《好萊塢女孩》(Laguna Beach)中,大家都親切地稱她LC。而今,這位銀屏美少女在現實生活中依然如魚得水,人氣不減,游刃有余地經營個人品牌和管理粉絲團。除了自己的時尚品牌Paper Crown,康拉德還曾為財富500強企業科爾百貨公司(Kohls)設計服裝,還出過暢銷書。她新近的作品是一家時尚生活網站,模仿的正是格溫妮絲?帕特洛的Goop,網站內容側重于美容、烹飪和時尚。 |
????Lauren Conrad ????? Title:Founder ????? Company:Paper Crown ????Few make it out of reality TV quite as well as Conrad -- better known as "LC" back on MTV hits Laguna Beach and The Hills -- who, since being freed from the reality fishbowl, has managed to keep her fans and her personal brand in the spotlight. Aside from her fashion label Paper Crown, she designs a clothing line for Kohls (KSS, Fortune 500), has written best-selling books, and now has a lifestyle website (one of those Goop imitators) that weighs in on beauty, cooking, and fashion. |