????您是否曾說服學生放棄他們的觀點? ????我認為自己在MBA課程中的責任主要是教導學生。如果我認為他們在推行糟糕創意的過程中能夠學到些東西,我就不會進行干涉。因為許多我認為很糟糕的創意最終可能會產生一些很棒的成果。創業必然要經歷失敗,所以學生們在探索一個創意為什么糟糕的過程中同樣能學到很多東西。 ????我并不會過于嚴厲地要求人們放棄自己的想法。如果我認為有些東西是非常愚蠢的,或者存在明顯的缺陷,我會加以干預。我會在學生們即將開始創辦公司之前介入。我會讓他們向我保證,他們會為自己設定一個最終期限。我會在期滿的時候檢查他們是否取得了進展,是否實現了關鍵的目標。 ????您從學生那里聽到的最糟糕的創意是什么? ????2009屆畢業班的詹姆斯?雷哈特成立了thredUP。但他最初的想法是讓25歲左右趕時髦的男性通過郵寄包裹的形式交換襯衣。我對他說:‘詹姆斯,說實話,這個星球上可能只有10,000個人想這么干。’而在開發這個糟糕創意的過程中,他很快了解到,有小孩子的家庭對于服裝交換有巨大的需求。于是,他的創意便開始朝著好的方面迅速發展。目前,他已經從頂尖公司獲得了2,000萬至3,000萬美元資金。所以對我來說,有些事情也是始料未及的。 ????隨著創業學的持續發展和變化,學生需要培養哪些技能? ????我們談到過推銷。推銷始終是創業不可或缺的一部分,而這方面我們做得不算很好。 ????此外,我認為在硅谷,人們有一種非常微妙的產品感,而一位優秀的創業者必須擁有一雙慧眼,找出優秀的產品。所以,我認為今天的學生需要了解設計思維,具備設計師的眼力,去了解一款優秀的產品。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓??????? |
????Do you ever try to talk your students out of ideas? ????I view my responsibility in the MBA program as mostly to teach them. And if I think they're going to learn something from working on a bad idea for a little while, I'm okay with that because a lot of ideas I think are bad can pivot into something very, very good. Entrepreneurship is all about failure, so there's a great deal they can learn from discovering why a bad idea is a bad idea. ????I'm not too heavy handed in terms of steering people away from ideas. If I think something is just silly or has some obvious flaws, I will intervene. The place where I weigh in is when they are about to come out and launch their startups. At that point, I make them promise me that they will set a deadline for themselves where I check in with them and ask if they've made progress and hit those milestones. ????What is the worst idea you've heard from a student? ????In the 2009 graduating class, James Reinhart started thredUP. But the original idea was to have 25-year-old hipster males swap shirts by putting one in a bag and sending it. I told him, 'James, really, maybe there's 10,000 people on the planet who want to do that.' But in the process of developing that bad idea, he quickly learned that families of small children have an amazing need to swap clothing. And that eventually exploded in a good way. He has raised $20 to $30 million from top firms. So sometimes I can see it. Sometimes I can't. ????As entrepreneurship continues to change and evolve, what skills will students need to develop? ????We talked about the sales thing a couple of times. It's always been in entrepreneurship, and we've never done a great job in teaching it. ????I also think that in Silicon Valley people have a really refined sense of product, and a great entrepreneur is someone who recognizes a great product. So I would say today's students need to understand design thinking and acquire a designer's sensibility to understand a great product. |