????MAB學生在創業時犯過的最常見的錯誤是什么? ????我們在課堂上的主要工作是教導學生找到一個創意,把它轉變成商業模式,然后再把它分解,找出評估這個創意的方式。但許多創業者并沒有這么做,而是倉促上陣。 ????也有許多年輕的創業者希望等到自己的創意臻于完美之后再公之于眾。有的創業者因為過于倔強,就算全世界都否定他,他依然堅持推動自己的想法,結果遭遇失敗。還有創業者不停變換創意,有的則根本沒有辭去自己的日常工作,因為他們對自己的想法缺乏信心。所以,學生必須在倔強和缺乏決心之間找到一個平衡點。 ????您認為您的創業教學可以達到哪種程度? ????研究創業的人從來沒有停止過對這個問題的爭論但如果我認為創業是一件無法教授的事情,我就不會從事現在的工作了。我們當然可以讓人們在創業方面做得更好。 ????許多人對創業者存在誤解,而事實上他們只是有著不同個性的人。所以認為創業者都是貪婪的風險愛好者的觀點,是完全錯誤的。許多最偉大的創業者都非常擅長轉移風險。 ????您是否認為有些創業技能是無法通過教學傳授的? ????沃爾特?艾薩克森的史蒂夫?喬布斯傳記中談到了喬布斯的現實扭曲力場。這種概念出現在上世紀八十年代的《星際迷航》(Star Trek)。所謂現實扭曲力場意味著喬布斯擁有超凡的魅惑力和人格魅力,他在談自己的想法時,他的聽眾會為他所傾倒。他們會被他的觀點迷住,希望追隨他,幫助他取得成功。他最初的麥金塔(Macintosh)團隊每周工作90到100個小時,而且持續了數年時間。 ????在我們最出色的學生創業者中,也有人具備這種現實扭曲力場,但我不知道這是否是我能夠教授的東西。我能做的是向學生展示它,記錄它,為學生指出來。 |
????What are the most common mistakes that MBAs make when launching startups? ????A lot of what we do in the classroom is teaching students to take an idea, turn it into a business model, break it into pieces, and figure out how to evaluate it. But an awful lot of entrepreneurs don't do that, and they rush into their vision. ????There are also a lot of young entrepreneurs who don't want to expose their idea until it's perfect. Or they fail because they're too headstrong, and they keep pushing the idea when the whole world is saying no. Other students flip around too fast from idea to idea, and some never quite quit their day job because they don't have any confidence in their idea. So there's a zone between being headstrong and lacking resolve that students have to live in. ????To what extent do you think you can teach entrepreneurship? ????People who study entrepreneurship debate this endlessly, but I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if I didn't think it could be taught. We can definitely make people better at it. ????There are a lot of misconceptions about entrepreneurs, when really they're just people with a lot of very different personalities. And so the notion that an entrepreneur is an avid risk seeker is not true at all. Some of the greatest entrepreneurs are great at shifting risk to other people. ????Do you think there are any entrepreneurial skills that you can't teach? ????The Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs talks about Jobs creating a reality distortion field. That idea has been around since the 80s from Star Trek. It means that Jobs was so mesmerizing and charismatic when he talked about his ideas that anyone he spoke to would just fall under his spell. They would become so captivated by the idea that they would want to follow him and would want to help him succeed. His original Macintosh teams put in 90 to 100 hours per week for the span of a couple of years. ????Some of our finest student entrepreneurs have that reality distortion field going, but I don't know if I can teach that. I can really just show it, put a camera on it, and point it out to students. |