4. 納斯卡賽車 ????納斯卡賽車的車迷理事會不是為外行準備的。申請加入這個在線團體的人會受到審查,以確保只有忠實的賽車迷才能加入這個成員多達1萬人的組織。原因何在?這1萬名賽車迷對納斯卡賽車的頭頭們有很大影響力。“我們從他們那里得到了很多建議,”納斯卡賽車的授權許可和消費產品副總裁布萊克?戴維森說。“建立車迷理事會以來,我們受益匪淺。這是我們從車迷那里獲得即時反饋的一個途徑,涵蓋了方方面面的內容,包括推廣活動,(現場)比賽中發生的事情,電視廣播等等。” ????2009年,納斯卡賽車規定每場比賽都采取雙列重啟方式。戴維森說,這在很大程度上歸功于車迷們的建議和想法。(之前,比賽在因為事故或天氣原因暫停后重新開始時,賽車會排成一列,而不是并排排列)。納斯卡賽車的車迷們甚至對該賽事的名人堂人選都有發言權。戴維森說,入選名人堂需要獲得55票,而車迷們占到其中的一票,可謂舉足輕重。 ????納斯卡賽車的其他贊助者也開展了眾包活動。沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)本月在賓夕法尼亞州長池波科諾賽道上舉行的比賽的幾乎方方面面都采納了車迷的意見。從比賽名稱(波科諾的聚會)到賽場食品(土豆皮水餃),方方面面都是由車迷們來決定。 |
4. NASCAR ????NASCAR's Fan Council isn't for the uninitiated. The online group is vetted to ensure that only racing's faithful take part in the 10,000-member community. The reason? These 10,000 fans have some serious pull with the sport's head honchos. "We bounce a lot of ideas off of them," says Blake Davidson, vice president of licensing and consumer products at NASCAR. "It's something that's been very beneficial to us since we've started it and a way to get immediate feedback from the fans on everything from marketing initiatives to things happening in the [live] competitions, to broadcast." ????In 2009, NASCAR instituted double-file restarts into every race thanks in large part to suggestions and input from its fans, says Davidson. (Previously, when a race was stopped due to an accident or weather, the race resumed with cars lined up in single-file instead of side by side.) NASCAR fans even have a say in the league's Hall of Fame inductees. They accounted for one of the 55 votes eligible to determine the hall's next members, which carries significant weight, according to Davidson. ????Other NASCAR sponsors are also getting in on the crowdsourcing action. Wal-Mart used fan input to decide nearly every aspect of this month's race at Pocono Racetrack in Long Pond, Penn. The fans chose everything from the race name -- Party in the Poconos -- to the kind of concessions that were served --loaded potato skin perogies. |