2. 美國大學橄欖球季后賽 ????大學橄欖球比賽的球迷們多年來一直在呼吁實行季后賽賽制。他們不僅愿望成真(從2014年開始,包含4支球隊的季后賽將決出每年全國冠軍的歸屬),還參與了季后賽標志的制定?!帮@然,大學橄欖球比賽是很多人的愛好,”大學橄欖球季后賽(曾名為BCS)的執行董事比爾?漢考克說。“我們明顯不會讓球迷們來決定三壘和二壘的上壘規則,但可以讓球迷們參與進來,無論程度如何,他們都需要參與進來。” ????標志(上圖)由10萬多名球迷在5天內投票選出。他們通過Facebook和Twitter被引導到這個組織的網站上進行投票。漢考克說,候選標志由內部制作,沒有接受外部建議,以避免涉及知識產權法的問題。 ????大學橄欖球季后賽確實在投票的第一天就遇到了麻煩。當時,投票活動的管理人員發現,有數千張票來自于同一個IP地址。這個插曲導致活動暫停,相關選票也被清除。但漢考克說,這次麻煩不會阻止大學橄欖球季后賽在未來繼續開展球迷投票活動。 |
2. College Football Playoff ????College football fans have been clamoring for years about a football playoff system. Not only did they get their wish -- a four-team tournament will decide the national champion each year beginning in 2014 -- they also got a say in the new tournament's logo. "College football is obviously a passion for many, many people," says Bill Hancock, executive director of the College Football Playoff (formerly known as the BCS). "You're obviously not going to have fans deciding what play to run on third and two, but to whatever extent fans can be involved, they need to be." ????The logo (above) was determined by more than 100,000 fan votes over a five-day period, and they were directed to the organization's website via Facebook and Twitter. The logos were created internally, and no outside submissions were accepted to avoid issues involving intellectual property laws, says Hancock. ????The College Football Playoff did run into trouble on day one of the voting when officials running the campaign noticed thousands of votes streaming in from a single IP address. It caused a temporary halt in the contest, and those votes were wiped out, but the trouble won't deter the College Football Playoff from implementing fan votes in the future, says Hancock. |