????為什么說所有這些都是很重要的問題?首先,考慮一下,如果公司總是挑選本土管理者進入最高層,那將向它的人才群體傳遞出什么樣的信息。在外國市場工作的中層經理和潛力很大的年輕人才都雄心勃勃,但當他們看到自己的職業發展面臨人為限制時,就很可能另尋高就。因此,咨詢公司Corporate Executive Board的調查顯示,2010年選擇跨國公司、而非國內企業的中國高等技能人才的比重只有2007年的一半左右。如今,許多公司都表示缺乏稱職的經理人是制約其全球戰略實施能力的一個重要因素。鑒于這種情況,以上數據簡直讓人感到害怕。 ????此外,最高管理層自身也受到了直接影響。一項研究得出的結論稱:“盡管專業經驗和文化社會化都會對高管戰略思維模式的形成產生影響,但國家價值觀是預測高管決策的更好指標。”假如高級管理者是完美的世界主義者,而且不論身處何地都能發揮同樣的效力,那么最高層多元化不足并不會有很大影響——但他們并不是這樣。實際上,就團隊解決問題情況進行的研究表明,多元化團隊更有可能提出有創意的解決方案。 ????對此公司可以做些什么呢?顯然,在最高管理團隊或董事會中引進非本國人士要比刻意去挑選非本國首席執行官更便于操作——要點在于,不要只做表面文章。其他思路還包括: ????? 在各國之間輪換國家經理(而不僅僅是從公司總部派出經理); ????? 讓來自其他國家的經理在總部待上一段時間【實際上,德國郵政DHL(Deutsche Post DHL)首席執行官安澎一直在跟蹤有來自多少個國家的員工在波恩總部工作】; ????? 在本國之外建立部門總部或業務總部。通用電氣(General Electric) 醫療事業部正在將其X射線業務總部從威斯康辛州沃基肖遷到北京; ????? 當來自其他國家的經理得到升遷時,對他們的成功表示祝賀; ????? 利用公司大學讓管理者有機會見面,尤其要為非本國人士保留位置【戴姆勒奔馳(Daimler Benz)最近規定,參與該公司年輕經理發展項目的人員中,必須有一半來自德國之外】; ????? 重視跨國工作團隊和跨境項目【舉個例子,這就是建材公司西麥斯(Cemex,CX)的一個工作重點】; ????? 進行收購時,確保目標公司國際人才庫的質量是主要的評估標準之一; ????? 確保本公司的非本國人士不會系統性地進入慢車道,原因是似乎經常出現這種情況。 ????除了這個公司話題,本次會議還探討了個體轉型問題,在這方面個人要承擔主要責任。古鐵雷斯在成都強調說:“再也沒有什么比文化好奇心更令人愉悅的了”。他還可以補充說,也沒有什么比它更具有教育意義的了。 ????潘卡吉?蓋馬沃特是IESE商學院全球戰略Rubiralta教席教授,也是《世界3.0》一書的作者;赫爾曼?萬加彭在總部位于布魯塞爾的戰略咨詢公司Akordeon擔任董事總經理。(財富中文網) ????譯者:Simon |
????Why does all this matter? Think, first of all, about the message that companies send to their talent pool by consistently selecting native leaders at the top. When ambitious middle managers and young high-potentials working in foreign markets see their career progress artificially limited, they are likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. Thus, according to a Corporate Executive Board survey, highly skilled Chinese professionals' preference for working in multinational over domestic companies in 2010 was only half as strong as it was in 2007. At a time when companies routinely cite the lack of qualified managers as the key constraint on their ability to implement their global strategies, the results are chilling. ????Beyond that, there is also the direct effect on the top leadership itself. One research study concludes that, "while both professional experiences and cultural socialization contribute to the shaping of executives' strategic mindset, national values are stronger predictors of executive decision making." If senior leaders were perfectly cosmopolitan and equally effective anywhere, such a lack of diversity at the top would not matter as much -- but they aren't. In fact, research on team problem solving suggests that diverse teams are more likely to come up with creative solutions. ????What can companies do about it? Obviously, inducting non-natives into the top management team or the board is easier than deliberately setting out to pick a nonnative CEO -- although it is important to move beyond tokenism. Other ideas include ????? Rotating country managers between countries (as opposed to only exporting managers from company headquarters); ????? Allowing managers from other countries to spend time at headquarters (Frank Appel, the CEO of Deutsche Post DHL, actually tracks the number of nationalities working at headquarters in Bonn); ????? Establishing divisional or business headquarters outside the home country. General Electric's (GE) health care unit is moving the headquarters of its X-ray business from Waukesha, Wisc. to Beijing; ????? Celebrating the success of managers from other countries when they move up the ranks; ????? Using corporate universities to bring leaders together, and reserving spots for non-natives in particular (Daimler Benz recently decreed that half of the participants in its development program for young managers must be from outside Germany); ????? Emphasizing multinational taskforces and cross-border project work (a major emphasis at Cemex (CX), for example); ????? When making acquisitions, ensuring that the quality of the target company's international talent pool is among the key assessment criteria; and ????? Making sure that non-natives in the organization don't systematically end up on a slow track, as it seems to happen quite often. ????In addition to this corporate agenda, there is an agenda for individual transformation as well, for which individuals have to take primary responsibility. At Chengdu, Secretary Gutierrez stressed that "there is nothing more flattering than cultural curiosity." Nor more educational, he might have added. ????Pankaj Ghemawat is the Rubiralta Professor of Global Strategy at IESE and the author of World 3.0; Herman Vantrappen is the managing director of Akordeon, a strategic advisory firm based in Brussels. |