????安德森說:“不推薦其他人到自己所在的公司工作,以及不主動告訴其他人公司的職位空缺,這就是一個非常明顯的警告信號,表明這個人對公司不再抱有幻想,愿意接受其他任何地方提供的機會。我們認為,對這四個問題的回答可以幫助雇主明確應該將留住人才工作的重點放在哪里?!?/p> ????雇主如何分辨員工的回答是否可靠呢?安德森表示,管理層應該與公司最希望留住的人才坐下來,進行深入地交流。他建議雇主這樣問:“你對自己的工作還像以前一樣滿懷激情嗎?或者你在這家公司有沒有其他希望從事的崗位,或者你認為作為一家公司,我們應該做到卻沒能做到的事情有哪些?” ????安德森稱,關鍵是要“弄明白,這名高管為什么在這家公司工作,以及他或她對于未來有什么看法。哪些方面可以比目前的現狀有所改進?如何讓他(她)與高層和上司的關系更加牢固和高效?” ????安德森承認,沒有什么行之有效的方法能確定誰會辭職,獵頭開出的利益豐厚的機會令人難以抗拒,即使最鐵桿的擁護者也難抵誘惑。即便如此,“開放而直接的討論可以幫助雇主們了解”公司的明星員工們如何看待他們的職業——以及要想吸引員工留在公司到底需要開出什么條件。 ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????"Not recommending the company to others as a place to work, and not actively referring people for job openings, is a clear early warning sign that the person is disenchanted and is open to offers elsewhere," Anderson notes, adding, "We really think that the answers to all four questions could help employers identify where to focus their retention efforts." ????How do you elicit honest answers? Anderson says top management has to sit down with the talent the company most wants to keep and start some in-depth conversations. He recommends asking, "Are you passionate about what you're doing? Or is there something else here that you'd rather be doing, or that you think we as a company should be doing but we're not?" ????The idea, Anderson says, is to "get at the heart of why this executive is here and how he or she sees the future. What could be going better than it is? How could his or her relationships with higher-ups, and direct reports, be stronger and more effective than they are now?" ????Anderson acknowledges that there's no surefire way to tell who's going to quit, and a recruiter calling with an irresistibly juicy opportunity has been known to tempt even the most diehard loyalist. Even so, "open and direct discussions can go a long way toward getting insights" into how your star players see their current roles — and what it would take to entice them to stick around. |