????在古羅馬或現今,即便食品造假并不涉及食品安全,它也會為企業帶來了重大問題,因為這是一種欺騙行為。格拉博斯基說:“對于很多人來說,標簽與安全性同樣重要,因為標簽等同于安全。在這種情況下,嚴格意義上來說它們是不對等的。但是如果你對錯誤標識聽之任之,那么你似乎并沒有嚴肅對待這個問題。” ????顧客會很氣憤,并不只是因為他們對吃了某種肉而感到不快。在供應鏈的某一個環節上,某一供應商宰殺了一匹馬,但卻把它說成是牛肉,這是一個讓人無法接受的先例。 ????不幸的是,食品造假的回報很高,這一點必須予以遏制。宜家是一家在世界各國銷售家具和食品的大型跨國公司。在此次特殊事件中,相比較而言,宜家可能不會蒙受什么損失。但是在今后,宜家和其他公司,無論在何地經營,都可以在運營過程中通過執行他們必須遵守的、當地最為嚴格的標準來規避同樣的問題。 ????的確,這類問題已不再是某一個區域的問題。如果宜家在捷克共和國銷售馬肉丸子,那么匹茲堡的店面就會有質疑聲。而且當企業確實遭遇危機的時候,企業必須盡快坦率地成人問題,同時迅速解決問題。沒有人會把大公司當做他們自身供應鏈上的受害者,從而對它們心生同情。(財富中文網) ????譯者:翔 |
????In ancient Rome or now, food fraud creates a major problem for companies, even when safety is not threatened, because it is a form of cheating. "To many people, labeling is just as important in safety, because labeling equates to safety," Grabowski says. "In this case, technically it doesn't. But if you allow mislabeling, it looks like you don't take it seriously." ????Customers are angry, and that's important beyond their feelings about eating certain meats. At some point in the supply chain, somebody butchered a horse and said it was a cow, and that's an unacceptable precedent. ????Unfortunately, the incentives to commit food fraud are high, and they must be lowered. IKEA is a major multi-national company that sells furniture and food all over the world. It will probably come through this particular instance relatively unscathed. But going forward, IKEA and others can sidestep similar problems by operating, wherever they exist, by the most stringent standards they have to follow in any country. ????Indeed, problems like this aren't local anymore. If IKEA is selling horsemeat-balls in the Czech Republic, it has a problem in Pittsburgh. And when companies do have crises, they must own up fast and solve them soon. No one will sympathize with big corporations as victims of their own supply chains. |