????信息技術領域: ????7.數字營銷副總裁。數字渠道的擴張似乎永無止境,這項研究指出,企業亟需“經理人能打造跨越社交媒體、移動媒體和數字標牌等多平臺的戰略性營銷活動。” ????8.消費者互聯網負責人。負責一家公司整體的互聯網表現,“制定的互聯網策略覆蓋……內外推廣、內容創造、設計和在線合作。” ????9.大數據分析主管。報告稱,隨著公司內部數據量的不斷增長,“由專人負責這些數據的有效利用”變得非常重要。這些人“堪稱數據科學家,能夠像大海撈針一樣地從巨量數據中發現價值。” ????10.云服務副總裁。急需技術經理。他們需要能夠開發出下一代通過遠程數據服務器提交的互聯網軟件和服務;如果“曾在一家盈利的云服務公司工作過”,那就更好了。 ????當然,高端科技人才熱已持續有一段時間了。據這項研究顯示,CTPartners的客戶聘用的IT經理人數量在2009年至2012年間激增了255%,預計今年“數字行業聘用人數將呈現兩位數增長”。(財富中文網) |
????In information technology: ????7. Vice president of digital marketing. With the seemingly endless expansion of media channels, companies need "executives with the ability to create strategic marketing programs that span multiple platforms, from social media to mobile to digital signage," the study says. ????8. Consumer Internet chief. In charge of a company's overall online presence, this person "develops an internet strategy that encompasses … internal and external promotion, content creation, design, and online partnership building." ????9. Head of analytics, Big Data. As the amount of data generated within companies keeps growing, "having someone in place who can effectively make sense of it all" is critical, the study says, adding that these folks are "essentially data scientists who can find nuggets of insight like needles in a haystack." ????10. Vice president, cloud services. Wanted: Tech managers who can develop the next generation of software and services delivered over the Internet via remote data servers, especially if they have "worked in a cloud business that managed to make money." ????Of course, top tech talent has been hot for a while now. According to the study, CTPartners' clients' hiring of IT managers jumped 255% between 2009 and 2012, and the firm expects "a double-digit increase in digital hiring" this year. |