


Nina Easton 2013年01月15日

????奧巴馬(Barack Obama)去年11月的大選中輕松獲勝。上周他又在達成財政懸崖協議的過程中讓共和黨大敗而歸,并控制了本應由共和黨掌握的眾議院。現在,對腦門上似乎都印著“失敗”二字而且公眾支持率仍在下降的共和黨議員們來說,可以期盼的就是在即將到來的一系列不受歡迎的議會爭奪戰中能夠技高一籌。






????Barack Obama handily won the November election. He cleaned the GOP's clock in last week's fiscal-cliff deal, seizing control of a supposedly Republican-controlled House. Now congressional Republicans, with a co-joined L on their foreheads and still leaking public support, can look forward to being out-maneuvered in an unwelcome string of upcoming legislative brawls.

????As President Obama approaches his second inaugural, one thing has become clear: The 2008 peacemaker politician has emerged as a skilled guerrilla warrior. If Bill Clinton's tactical legacy was disarming his opponents by stealing their ideas -- welfare reform, "personal responsibility," cutting spending -- Obama's may be his skill at dividing to conquer his Republican foes.

????Conservatives were once the reigning champs of honing in and exploiting an opponent's weakness. Under this President, Lee Atwater's Sun-Tzu quoting descendants have met their match.

????Republicans are gamely trying to spin the fiscal cliff deal as a victory -- 99% of the Bush tax cuts enshrined as permanent! But here's what Obama got: A pass on entitlement reform (which now recedes to the "unlikely" category even as debt-to-GDP ratios threaten the economy); the public triumph of his election-year narrative that taxes are about "fairness" not economic growth; and a chance to divide Republican ranks between those fearful of being blamed for economic chaos and those fearful of losing conservative supporters.

????The landmines of Obama's fiscal-cliff victory were planted by likely Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew -- in the 2011 debt ceiling deal that put taxes and military spending cuts on the table, and left entitlement reform off, thereby ensuring Republicans would be operating on the defense. And that's where they will be once again as we lurch to the next series of fiscal crises, starting with next month's debate over raising the nation's debt ceiling.

????Republicans can threaten to shut down the government if the White House doesn't agree to control spending. But just as polls showed during the fiscal cliff negotiations -- and during the 1994 government shutdown -- public blame likely will come crashing down on them. Already, Obama is acting like a president who knows he has the upper hand -- telling the House Speaker "spending isn't the problem" and suggesting he wants to raise more taxes by capping deductions.

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