????周二,前可口可樂公司(Coca-Cola)高管布萊恩·凱利被綠山咖啡公司(Green Mountain Coffee Roasters)任命為CEO。他的出走將是可口可樂公司的巨大損失。 ????2007年,凱利被可口可樂CEO穆泰康招至麾下。凱利在這家全球最大的飲料公司復興的過程中發揮了重要作用。凱利表面安靜,其實卻是一位硬漢。他擁有明星般耀眼的履歷,曾負責福特公司(Ford)的林肯-水星(Lincoln Mercury)品牌,之后曾在通用電氣(General Electric)和寶潔公司(Procter & Gamble)工作。穆泰康慧眼識珠發現他的時候,他正在美國SIRVA物流公司擔任CEO。該公司價值37億美元,也就是曾經的北美卡車聯盟(North American Van Lines)。凱利最初負責可口可樂公司的非充氣飲料業務——水、茶、果汁和運動飲料等。之后負責整合可口可樂公司以123億美元從可口可樂企業(Coca-Cola Enterprises?)收購的北美瓶裝業務。去年春天,筆者曾為《新可樂》(The New Coke)一文采訪穆泰康。當時,他稱贊凱利比預期更快地完成了整合。 ????最近,凱利一直擔任首席產品供應官,負責公司北美業務部門Coca-Cola Refreshments的供應鏈。公司預計將在明年1月1日為他安排更高的職務——Coca-Cola Refreshments總裁。 ????然而,凱利并未被列為可口可樂下任CEO的候選人。這或許正是他離開可口可樂、加入綠山咖啡的原因。位于佛蒙特州的綠山咖啡去年總收入為36億美元,和幫助465億美元的可口可樂公司實現復興相比,他在綠山咖啡將會面臨更艱巨的挑戰。綠山咖啡曾經頗有前途,但卻一直受到管理層更替、美國證券交易委員會(SEC)調查、與投資者的矛盾等各方面因素的困擾,還有來自星巴克(Starbucks)的激烈競爭。綠山咖啡出售Keurig品牌的單杯咖啡機,而星巴克對這項業務一直虎視眈眈。 ????過去兩年,綠山咖啡的股票上漲超過三倍,但之后卻暴跌到上漲前的水平。而可口可樂公司在穆泰康的帶領下,利潤和股價一直穩步上漲。即將進行的管理層改組,也將澄清外界對公司CEO接班人的種種預測。 |
????Brian Kelley, who on Tuesday was named CEO of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), is a big loss for Coca-Cola (KO). ????Recruited to Coke by CEO Muhtar Kent in 2007, Kelley has been instrumental to the turnaround of the world's largest beverage company. A quiet hard-charger with a stellar resume—he ran Lincoln Mercury for Ford (F) following stints at General Electric (GE) and Procter & Gamble (PG)—Kelly was CEO of SIRVA, a $3.7 billion company once known as North American Van Lines, when Kent discovered him. Kelley initially headed Coke's still beverage business--water, teas, juices and sports drinks. He was then charged with integrating ?the North American bottling operations that Coke bought ?from Coca-Cola Enterprises?CCE) for $12.3 billion. When I interviewed Kent for?"The New Coke"?in?Fortune?last spring, the CEO lauded Kelley for pulling off the integration more quickly than he had expected. ????Recently, Kelley has been chief product supply officer, in charge of the supply chain for Coca-Cola Refreshments, which is the company's North American business unit. ?He was slated to move into a bigger gig, president of Coca-Cola Refreshments, on January 1. ????Kelley was not in line to be Coke's next CEO, which may be why he is leaving for the coffee biz. At Vermont-based Green Mountain, which brought in revenue of $3.6 billion last year, he may be moving to an even tougher challenge than the revival of $46.5 billion Coca-Cola. Green Mountain, once high-flying, has been plagued by management turnover, SEC probes, rows with investors, and fierce competition from Starbucks (SBUX). Green Mountain sells the Keurig brand of single-serve coffee makers, a business that Starbucks is aiming to conquer. ????In the past two years, Green Mountain's stock more than tripled and has since collapsed below what it was.Meanwhile, Coca-Cola's profits and stock price have risen steadily under Kent. And the impending management realignment clarifies the company's CEO succession outlook. |