
25.瑪氏 ????總部:美國弗吉尼亞州麥克萊恩 ????2011年收入:300億美元 ????2011年排名:第19名 ????這家公司擁有M&M糖、Orbit口香糖和偉嘉(Whiskas)貓糧等品牌。它努力讓員工從一開始就與公司的企業文化保持一致。所有新員工入職后半年內都會參加培訓課程瑪氏精華(Essence of Mars)。為了方便14個國家的員工學習,這個課程已被翻譯為22種不同的語言。 ????評選方法:上述25家公司來自于工作場所調查評估機構Great Place to Work Institute的《2012年全球最佳跨國公司雇主榜單》。上榜公司來自參與該機構調查的350家公司。上榜公司至少要登上Great Place to Work Institute五個國家的最佳雇主榜單,全球擁有至少5,000名員工,至少40%(或5,000名)的員工位于本國之外。 ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓/早稻米 |
25. Mars ????Headquarters:?McLean, Va., USA ????2011 revenues:?$30 billion ????2011 rank:?19 ????The company behind brands like M&Ms candy, Orbit gum, and Whiskas cat food tries to get its people on board with the corporate mission early on in the game. Mars provides all new employees an "Essence of Mars" training course within six months after they start. To reach its personnel in all 14 countries, the course has been translated into 22 different languages. ????Methodology: The 25 companies listed come from Great Place to Work's 2012 World's Best Multinational Workplaces. These companies were selected from a pool of 350 corporations that participated in the organization's surveys. These companies were required to have appeared on at least five of Great Place to Work's national Best Workplaces lists, have at least 5,000 employees worldwide, and have at least 40% (or 5,000 employees) of their workforce based outside the company's home country. |