
17.通用磨坊:內部社交網絡凝聚人心 ????總部:美國明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯 ????2011年收入:149億美元 ????2011年排名:新入選 ????財富500強公司、食品巨頭通用磨坊(General Mills)努力留住最好的人才——85%的管理人員都是公司內部提拔起來的。如今,這家公司有39,000名員工分布在五個不同的國家。能讓如此眾多的員工保持聯絡的方式之一是向所有員工開放的、公司內部的全球社交網站Connect。員工們已經利用這個網站建立了600多個線上社群。 |
17. General Mills ????Headquarters:?Minneapolis, Minn., USA ????2011 revenues:?$14.9 billion ????2011 rank:?New ????General Mills?(GIS,?Fortune 500)?tries to hold on to top talent -- 85% of its officers have been promoted from within the massive food company. The company is responsible for 39,000 employees across five different countries. One way of keeping them all in touch is through "Connect," an internal global social networking site open to anyone who works there. Already, workers have used it to form more than 600 online communities. |