
14.孟山都:重獎可持續發展農業項目 ????總部:美國蒙大拿州圣路易斯 ????2011年收入:118億美元 ????2011年排名:新入選 ????每年,財富500強企業、農業巨頭孟山都(Monsanto)都會舉行一場“可持續生產承諾大獎賽”(Sustainable Yield Pledge Awards contest),來自公司各個部門的數百個團隊紛紛提交支持可持續農業發展的項目。評委們評估每個項目的經濟、環境和社會效益。獲勝團隊將贏得15,000美元的撥款,他們可以將這些錢交給非營利組織用來支持它們的工作。 |
14. Monsanto ????Headquarters:?St. Louis, Mo., USA ????2011 revenues:?$11.8 billion ????2011 rank:?New ????Ever year, agribusiness giant?Monsanto(MON,?Fortune 500)?runs a Sustainable Yield Pledge Awards contest where hundreds of teams from all across the company put together projects to support sustainable agriculture. Judges weigh each project's economic, environmental, and societal benefits. Winning teams receive a $15,000 grant that they can give to a nonprofit organization to support their efforts. |