翠西·瑞斯 時尚設計師 ????我們生活在一個用完就扔的時代,很少有東西是為了長久留存而造。如今,我們必須比以往任何時候都要重視品質,因為它已經如此稀缺。在我們的主要辦公室,我們有一臺幾年前就壞了的洗衣機,原因是齒輪融化了,它們無法承擔所需的任務。當我開辦自己的服裝公司,那時我24歲,父親告訴我說,如果你的公司不提供最好的品質,它就沒法取得成功。 |
Tracy Reese Fashion designer ????We live in a throwaway society. So little is built to last. Now more than ever, we have to value great quality because it's so scarce. At our main office we have a washing machine that broke down a few years ago because the gears melted. The gears couldn't handle the action that it was built for. My dad told me, when I was just starting my clothing company, when I was 24, that if your business isn't the best quality, it will not succeed. |