Patricia Sellers
瑪麗莎?梅耶爾從谷歌跳槽到雅虎擔任CEO之后,不僅帶去了谷歌的文化,也帶去了不少谷歌的精兵強將,其中一員大將大學時期甚至曾經擔任過Lady Gaga的伴唱。
????崔西?克勞利——首席執行官助理:梅耶爾在谷歌時的助理如今又跟著她到了雅虎,不過克勞利現在的任務可能更重大了,因為梅耶爾是首席執行官,并且還剛剛生了孩子。克勞利曾在沃克森林大學(Wake Forest)學習拉丁語和古典研究。畢業后,她去了意大利弗洛倫薩,直到后來遷居到硅谷。 ????譯者:項航 |
????Trish Crawley – Assistant to the CEO: Mayer's assistant at Google is now in the same role at Yahoo--with perhaps a little more responsibility since Mayer is a CEO with a newborn. Crawley studied Latin and Classical Studies at Wake Forest and lived in Firenze, Italy post-college, before she moved to Silicon Valley. |