


Adam Lashinsky 2012年08月28日


????當時的這一說法基本上是對的,只是在一個關鍵點上有出入。沒錯,六周后喬布斯就病逝了。伴隨著他的離世是席卷全球的哀痛、感人的員工追思會和一部全球暢銷傳記(傳記里并不全是溢美之詞)。蘋果在喬布斯欽點人選的領導下,延續著原有的軌跡。這一年,蘋果公司推出的產品基本上都屬錦上添花,并非革命性產品。(iPhone 4S和“新”iPad都很難說給這個世界帶來了什么改變。)高級管理層也一直基本保持穩定。公司利潤持續激增。蘋果著名的守口如瓶的運營方式繼續飛速發展——盡管有些做法招致如潮批評,特別是在《紐約時報》(The New York Times)上。




????雖然投資者給庫克打出了高分,雇員和合作伙伴也紛紛給予好評,但普遍看法是蘋果當前的成功仍應歸功于史蒂夫?喬布斯當初制定的計劃。但很快,我們就將能夠評判庫克和高管團隊(基本保持不變)這些人自己的表現了。(蘋果零售部門負責人羅恩?約翰遜告訴喬布斯,他將離開公司到J.C. Penney任職,庫克用歐洲零售業高級管理人士約翰?布勞威特填補了這一空缺。蘋果硬件負責人鮑勃?曼斯費爾德最近宣布退休,他的副手接替了他的職位。)



????It shouldn't have felt like a surprise, but it did, when the news broke a year ago today that Steve Jobs was stepping down as CEO of Apple. He was becoming chairman of the board, a previously unfilled position, Apple announced. Jobs would remain involved with the company, a guiding light rather than a hands-on taskmaster, we were led to believe. Tim Cook, the strong-but-silent chief operating officer, already had been running most of Apple as Jobs's health declined. So not much would change.

????That assessment, though wrong in one key respect, turned out to be largely true. Jobs, of course, died six weeks later. A global outpouring of grief, a heart-tugging employee celebration and aninternational best-selling (and not altogether flattering) biography heralded his passing. Yet Apple under the CEO Jobs hand-picked to succeed him has been the very definition of staying the course. The company's product introductions during the year have been incremental, not revolutionary. (The iPhone 4S and a "new," third-generation iPad hardly constitute putting a dent in the universe.) Senior management has been largely stable. Profits have continued to soar. Apple's (AAPL) infamously tight-lipped operation has continued apace -- despite a torrent of criticism over some of its practices, notably in The New York Times.

????In short, Apple by and large has continued to be Apple. Make no mistake, there have been changes. Apple now pays a dividend. There is a vague sense that the company has become more professional and therefore less magical. With the scrutiny of being the world's most valuable company come scratches on the shiny veneer.

????The challenge is what to make of the changes. Apple is so thoroughly analyzed that it becomes difficult to know what constitutes real change and what is background noise. Advertising snobs said Steve Jobs never would have approved the cheesy and demeaning "Genius" ads Apple ran during the London Olympics. A sign of the apocalypse? Maybe. But probably not. It has become fashionable to say a "long time" has passed since Apple released a mind-blowing product. Well, the gap between the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010 was three years.Apple's TV effort, whatever it's going to be, has some time left.

????Wall Street, hardly a model of clear thinking of late, certainly doesn't know what to make of the Tim Cook era. Apple's stock closed at $374 per share the day Jobs resigned. It was trading near $600 in late July, when Apple reported a disappointing quarter, sending the shares to $570. With no real news since, investors have decided the situation isn't so glum after all. Apple's stock closed Thursday at $662.63. That's an increase of 77% -- or more than $270 billion in market capitalization -- in the year Cook has been CEO. Amazingly, shares of Apple remain inexpensive by any normal standards at a multiple of 15 times Wall Street's estimates of current-year earnings.

????While Cook wins high marks from investors and generally favorable reviews from employees and partners, the conventional wisdom is that the current success of Apple continues to be attributable to the plans put in place by Steve Jobs. Soon enough, though, we'll be able to start judging on their own merits Cook and the team of senior managers he has largely held together. (Retail chief Ron Johnson told Jobs he was leaving for J.C. Penney (JCP), and Cook filled the spot with European retailing executive John Browett. Hardware boss Bob Mansfield recently announced his retirement and is being replaced by a lieutenant.)

????Apple, despite its annuity-like Macintosh division, is a hits-driven business. To grow at its massive scale it needs to continue to wow customers. Incrementalism won't cut it for long, and everyone expects Tim Cook to unveil brand-new gadgets as soon as next month. What difference does a year make? With Apple after Steve Jobs, it's probably not enough time to tell.

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