????3.比爾?坎貝爾 ????職務:非執行董事長 ????現任職務:金融服務軟件公司Intuit董事長 ????上世紀70年代,坎貝爾曾在哥倫比亞大學橄欖球隊擔任教練。如今,71歲的坎貝爾在指導科技創業企業解決各種棘手難題?!舅牡茏影?a href="../../../../global500/423/2012">谷歌(Google)董事會主席埃里克?施密特和Twitter創始人?!克灿羞^供職大公司的從業背景,比如蘋果(Apple)和Intuit,并且目前仍在Intuit董事會任職??藏悹柕慕ㄗh不會像向導一樣面面俱到;他為人低調,通常免費提供咨詢服務,而且很少會在他幫助過的公司進行投資。他的獨立性、以及深厚的知識和人脈,使他成為非執行董事會主席的最佳人選。 ????——杰西?亨佩爾 |
????3.Bill Campbell ????Position:Nonexecutive chairman ????Currently:Chairman, Intuit Inc. ????In the late 1970s, Campbell coached football for Columbia University; today the 71-year-old coaches tech entrepreneurs through their knottiest problems. (Protégés include Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Twitter's founders.) He has big-company chops, having worked at Apple and Intuit, on whose boards he sits. Campbell doesn't advise so much as guide; he eschews attention, doesn't charge for his services, and rarely invests in the companies he helps. His independence -- and deep knowledge and connections -- makes him an ideal nonexecutive chairman. ????--Jessi Hempel |