


Doron Levin 2012年07月04日

????考察日產(Nissan)CEO 卡洛斯?戈恩 2011年1,250萬美元年薪有一角度,那就是把它與日本汽車巨頭同行的年薪作一比較。目前為止,他的年薪可謂一騎絕塵、遙遙領先。

????然而從全球范圍來看,戈恩的年薪還不到福特(Ford Motor)CEO艾倫?穆拉利的一半,后者納入囊中的年收入高達2,890萬美元。戈恩與穆拉利都是扭虧專家,他們都曾帶領各自的公司反敗為勝,并由此一舉成名。

????CEO薪酬在普通員工看來也許高得離譜。然而在高管資源稀缺的環境下,各汽車廠商為了獵聘高管展開了白熱化競爭,其高管需要有能力領導一家龐大復雜、并且在全球開展業務的制造型企業。曾經遭遇滑鐵盧的高管不在少數,由此也可以看出這份工作的不易。正如倫敦亞洲汽車情報公司(Intelligence Automotive Asia)總經理阿什溫?科泰對彭博新聞社(Bloomberg News)說的那樣:“戈恩的成績令人難以置信,他用了10到12年就將日產重新打造為實力雄厚的公司。”他將戈恩的薪水稱為“日產為其出色業績起碼應當支付的價格。”




????薪水排在穆拉利之后的是大眾(Volkwagen AG)的馬丁?文德恩,其收入為2,310萬美元,高于全球其它汽車CEO的收入。這與大眾196億美元的出色業績可謂遙相輝映,因為該業績在所有汽車廠商中也排名第二,同樣排在福特之后。文德恩在德國梅賽德斯(Mercedes)的同行蔡澈當年收到的薪水僅為1,140萬美元。


????美國高管薪酬最低的當屬通用(General Motors)CEO艾克森。其年薪僅為900萬美元,這份收入其實并不少。該公司2009年有過破產經歷,目前尚有25%的股份掌握在美國政府手中——現在離美國總統大選還有5個月。因此,這份薪水不過從政治角度和透明度角度反映了大眾對這家公司的接受程度。



????One view of Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn's salary of $12.5 million in 2011 is its relation to those of his peers at Japan's top automakers. It's the biggest by far.

????On a global scale, Ghosn earned less than half of the $28.9 million that Ford Motor (F) CEO Alan Mulally brought home. Ghosn and Mulally both made their reputations as turnaround specialists, leading their companies from the brink of disaster to prosperity.

????CEO pay may never strike the average worker as rational. In the rarified air of the corporate suite, competition is hot and heavy among automakers to hire an executive with the chops to lead a large complex manufacturing organization that operates worldwide. The number who have failed suggests it's not an easy job. As Ashvin Chotai of London-based Intelligence Automotive Asia told Bloomberg News, Ghosn "has done an incredible job in the 10, 12 years turning Nissan into a very solid company again." He called Ghosn's salary "a small price Nissan has to pay for his success."

????Toyota (TM) CEO Akio Toyoda earned $1.7 million in a year that was one of the weakest in the Japanese automaker's history, as it recovered from disruption caused by earthquake and tsunami as well as lingering fallout from safety concerns in the U.S. Toyoda's pay was the same as the year before. Honda's (HMC) CEO Takanobu Ito actually took a 5% cut in pay to $1.54 million in 2011, a year in which Honda also suffered from earthquake-related disruptions and a nearly 7% slide in U.S. sales.

????Japanese CEOs are usually paid far less in salary than Western counterparts, though their compensation often includes perks such as cars, houses and club memberships. Nissan (NSANY) says it benchmarks the pay of its executives against those of multinationals, especially those with diverse nationalities in its executive ranks -- a characteristic that distinguishes it from Toyota and most Japanese companies.

????According to the Nissan study, CEOs at major industrial companies worldwide were paid an average of $16.1 million in 2011, while the average for automotive CEOs was $17.5 million.

????Behind Mulally but leading the rest of the world's automotive CEOs in pay was Martin Winterkorn of Volkwagen AG. Winterkorn received $23.1 million, a sum that seemed to match VW's prodigious profit of $19.6 billion, second highest among all automakers after Ford. Winterkorn's Mercedes counterpart in Germany, Dieter Zetsche, was paid $11.4 million for the year.

????Sergio Marchionne, whose wizardry so far has saved Chrysler and Fiat from liquidation, earned $16.2 million last year. He will need even more magic going forward because the two companies, which are in the process of becoming one, don't build enough vehicles to be a sustainable enterprise. That judgment is Marchionne's, who has called for closure of excess automaking capacity in Europe -- so far with little result.

????In the U.S. the smallest paycheck was drawn by General Motors (GM) CEO Dan Akerson. His $9 million compensation wasn't paltry, it simply reflected the politics and optics of what's acceptable for a company that went through bankruptcy in 2009 and is 25%-owned by the U.S. government -- five months before a presidential election.

????Ghosn also may be feeling a bit of salary pressure from government -- the French government, which owns a stake in Renault. For his Renault work he receives about $3.7 million. In light of his duties at Nissan, perhaps the Renault board sees Ghosn as a part-time worker.

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