


SHELLEY DUBOIS 2012年06月20日



????2009年,羅伯特?本默切擔任美國國際集團(AIG)CEO,終于結束了公司從2008年開始頻繁換帥的窘境。2008年,馬丁? 沙利文引咎辭職,羅伯特?維倫斯坦德接過帥印,之后又由愛德華?李迪接任。2008年,美國國際集團接受了美國政府1,820億美元的巨額緊急援助。



????Robert Benmosche

????Company: AIG

????In 2009, AIG CEO Robert Benmosche finally stopped the leadership revolving door that had begun to spin in 2008, when former CEO Edward Liddy replaced Robert Willumstad, who had, in turn, replaced Martin Sullivan. AIG took a massive $182 billion bailout check from the U.S. in 2008.

????Under Benmosche's leadership, the company seems to be doing much better. AIG has sold assets, including $6 billion worth of its Asian insurance company AIA. "This is important," Benmosche said during the company's 2012 first-quarter earnings, "because it allowed us to do a lot of things in the first quarter that gives us financial flexibility as we look to the future."

????AIG will have to continue to work its way out of government control. The U.S. government owns 70% of the insurance giant, which is an improvement, given that it owned 92% of the company in 2011.

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