????因此,犯錯后如何能從自省自責中迅速走出來,讓整個團隊重新集中精力、充滿干勁,這一點非常重要。“過去的已經過去。”你需要不厭其煩地反復告訴團隊。“現在重要的是未來。未來的圖景是這樣的,我們要這樣才能把它變成現實,而實現這個目標對你們的意義則是這樣的。”描繪的畫面必須精彩寬宏,同時又細致入微。必須感覺真實——甚至要有質感。沒有陳詞濫調,沒有泛泛而談。如果有假,人們老遠就能嗅出來了。 ????當然,這個過程中人性的復雜在于犯錯后,你或許情感上還沒有準備好、如何讓你的團隊振奮起來。你可能會感到上級在后頭盯著你的那種灼熱感,更別提脖子上的韁繩已經收緊。你可能會懷疑自己是否真的有領導能力。同樣的,你的下屬可能也會感到這種責怪,越來越懷疑自己。 ????于是,那個漩渦開始向你招手。 ????千萬別走這條路。承認這是你的錯,分析原因,汲取教訓,當然,要收拾干凈。但接下來,你得卸下包袱,著眼未來。如果你是一位管理者,這就是你和你的團隊應該全身心投入的地方。 ????至于杰米?戴蒙?鑒于他有多年的成功經驗,我們相信他會很快飛身上馬。多年后,很少還會有人記得摩根大通的這次重大交易失誤。但全球為他工作的超過25萬多人中每一個人都會知道,他將撣掉身上的灰塵,重新上馬,繼續前行——只是變得更強大,也更睿智。 ????譯者:老榆木 |
????That's why it's critical for you in the post-mistake period to move swiftly from self-examination and self-flagellation to renewal, to getting your people refocused and re-energized. "The past is over," you need to say to your troops as many times as it takes. "What matters now is the future. Here's what it looks like, here's how we're getting there and what's in it for you." The picture painted has to be exciting in its reach and vivid in its detail. And it's got to feel real -- even gritty. No platitudes or generics. People can smell, well, let's just call it "baloney," from a mile away. ????The all-too-human complication in this, of course, is that after a mistake happens, you might not be emotionally prepared to get your team all psyched up again. You may be feeling the searing discomfort of upper management's skeptical gaze on your back, not to mention a tighter leash around your neck. You may be wondering if you really have what it takes to lead your people. Your people, in turn, may be feeling beleaguered and increasingly doubtful themselves. ????And so, the vortex beckons. ????Just don't go there. Own your mistakes, analyze their causes, learn from them and clean them up -- of course. But then, let them go and get back to the future. If you're a leader, that's where your head and your heart -- and your people -- belong. ????And as for Jamie Dimon? Given his long record of success, we're confident he'll soon be back in the saddle. And years from now, we assure you, relatively few people will remember JPMorgan's trading blunder. But everyone who works for him around the globe, a quarter-million strong, will know that he dusted himself off, got back on his horse and rode on -- stronger and a whole lot wiser. |