
邁克爾?格雷姆斯 摩根士丹利全球技術團隊常務董事 ??? 過去一年,格雷姆斯曾幫助28家科技公司進行IPO,其中包括求職社交網站LinkedIn、團購網站Groupon和社交游戲公司Zynga。據稱,在Facebook的IPO過程中,他擔任Facebook公司首席財務官伊博斯曼的首席顧問,同時也是他的密友。而如今,由于這家社交網站在股市的首次亮相令人沮喪,甚至遭到部分投資者的起訴,摩根士丹利在科技行業的聲譽,可能會因此受到嚴重影響。 |
Michael Grimes Managing Director of Global Technology, Morgan ??? Over the last year, Grimes has helped lead at least 28 tech IPOs, including LinkedIn, Groupon, and Zynga. He reportedly acted as Ebersman's main advisor and closest confidant during the Facebook IPO process. Now, given the social network's problematic stock market debut, and a lawsuit brought on by disgruntled investors, Morgan Stanley's reputation in the tech sphere could be severely tarnished. |