1、保健方案升級降低成本 ????從傳統健康計劃轉向高扣除健保計劃能幫公司節省下一大筆開支。但員工可能并不愿意支付更高的費用。如何做到順利實施高扣除健保計劃,同時又讓員工樂于接受?兩全其美的辦法包括設立“健康補償賬戶”,員工能通過借記卡來支付預先扣除的賬單。此外,同時提高員工薪資,以此來配合新計劃,也能起到平息反對意見的效果。 2、福利外包坐享頂級保健服務 |
1. Blunt the blow ????Switching from a traditional health plan to a high-deductible version can save you a bundle. But your employees may balk at paying more. One way to keep your team happy while transitioning to a high-deductible plan with lower premiums is by funding a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) that your staff can tap, via debit cards, to cover pre-deductible bills. Scheduling raises to coincide with the change to a new plan can also quell objections. 2. Outsource your benefits |

????如果希望采用大型公司的健保計劃來吸引頂尖的人才,可以考慮尋找一家外包服務機構,即所謂的“職業雇主組織”(PEO),每月支付一筆固定的費用即可。通過外包,公司用團體價就能拿到堪與財富五百強媲美的高質量解決方案。我選擇的職業雇主組織、TriNet公司首席法務官格雷格?哈蒙德稱:沒有哪家公司單憑自己就能搞定健保體系。”請登錄napeo.org或者peocompare.com尋找適合你的職業雇主組織。 3、勞逸結合減少醫保投入 ????2011年,哈佛大學(Harvard)研究人員發現,公司在健康項目上每投入一美元能使醫療費用下降3.27美元。可以先嘗試一種好方法:能量計劃領導力訓練公司(Energy Project)創始人托尼?施瓦茲建議,讓團隊全力工作一個半小時,然后走路10分鐘。recess.keenfootwear.com 網站的即時休整工具包還可以為你提供其他的好點子。 4、健身運動為工作加油 |
???If you need a big-company-style health plan to win the best talent, consider joining a "professional employer organization," better known as a PEO, for a set monthly fee. By outsourcing you can join Fortune 500-quality plans at large-group rates. "There is no company that can beat the health care system at its own game," says Greg Hammond, chief legal officer at TriNet, the PEO I use. Find a PEO at napeo.org or peocompare.com. 3. Invest in wellness ????Harvard researchers found in 2010 that medical costs dropped by about $3.27 for every dollar a company spent on wellness programs. One good way to get started: Suggest that your team work in 90-minute spurts and then take a 10-minute walk, says Tony Schwartz, founder of leadership training company the Energy Project. The Instant Recess Tool Kit at recess.keenfootwear.com offers other good ideas. 4. Pump up productivity |

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