


Verne Harnish 2012年03月06日
好吧,那就獨立創業吧。下面是 5 種創業的辦法



????本文作者Verne Harnish為經理人教育機構Gazellas公司首席執行官。


5. Search for free advice at home

????What's the first thing Jacksonville's Clint Drawdy did when he left a corporate recruiting company to start his health care IT firm iMethods? "I opened my church directory," he says. That's how he found a local banker to join his all-volunteer board. The banker helped him attract a CPA, a lawyer, and contacts in sales and operations. Drawdy buys them lunch and invites them on outings where they can network. Eight years later the company is profitable; it had revenue of $6 million last year.

????--Verne Harnish is the CEO of Gazelles Inc., an executive education firm.


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