2011年下臺高管一覽 ????2011年《財富》美國500強公司和非500強公司都有一些惹人注目的權力交接,理由形形色色:有些公司需要新的領導人來帶領他們走出丑聞風波,有些公司則想換一個角度看問題。有些高管是主動請辭,更多的人則是被掃地出門。 決策失誤,惠普李艾科黯然離開 ????惠普(HP)當初決定聘請前SAP首席執(zhí)行官李艾科來接替馬克?赫德,這個決定從一開始就受到質疑。李艾科對于占據(jù)惠普收入很大比重的消費者市場并無經(jīng)驗。 ????李艾科本人也覺得不太適應——在被辭退前數(shù)月,他宣布惠普將整體剝離個人電腦業(yè)務。此外,電話和TouchPad的銷量也萎靡不振。 ????這些戰(zhàn)略并未得到惠普董事會的首肯。今年9月,惠普董事會要求李艾科走人,同時邀來梅格?惠特曼接任。她是惠普董事會成員、前eBay首席執(zhí)行官,曾經(jīng)經(jīng)角逐加州州長一職,但最終未能如愿勝出。隨著惠普管理層調整塵埃落定,我們將拭目以待惠特曼的表現(xiàn)。 |
C-suite terminations: A year in review ????2011 marked several power shifts within the Fortune 500 and beyond for reasons that run the gamut: some companies needed a new leader to steer them out of a scandal, others just wanted a pair of fresh eyes. Some of these execs eased out of their corner offices on their own steam, while others got more of a shove out the door. PC business stays, Apotheker leaves ????HP's decision to hire former SAP CEO Léo Apotheker to take Mark Hurd's old job raised eyebrows from the start. Apotheker didn't have expertise in the consumer market, which still accounts for a large portion of HP's revenue. ????The match didn't sit well with Apotheker either -- towards the end of his tenure, he announced that HP would spin off its PC division entirely. On top of that, phone and TouchPad sales were flagging. ????This didn't work for HP's board, which asked Apotheker to leave in September and brought in board member Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay and survivor of an unsuccessful run for California governor. As soon as the doors at HP's offices stop revolving, we'll see what she can do. |