????雅虎(Yahoo)CEO卡洛爾?巴茨“在電話中被解聘”,巴茨隨即通過群發郵件大倒苦水。這一事件發人深思,在這樣一個公司全球化、工作環境虛擬化的時代,職場人士如何拿捏行事的分寸? ????雅虎董事會未經任何面議程序就解雇了巴茨,甚至連一次電視會議都沒有召開。這樣的冷遇是否對這位前任女CEO太過不公?而巴茨在致全體員工的郵件以及隨后的媒體采訪中炮轟董事會,這樣的反應是否會讓她顯得魯莽而缺乏職業素養?她的職業生涯是否會從此一蹶不振? ????“大部分人會認為巴茨的處理方式欠妥,但或許巴茨自有一套辦法來自如應對。”亞特蘭大求職導師、《職場社交制勝秘訣》(Social Networking for Career Success)一書的作者米麗婭姆?薩爾皮特說,“不過,我認為她處理個人聲譽和職業形象的做法對其他人沒有借鑒意義。” ????這一事件突顯了美國企業界一直在演變的用人規則。無論是企業高管,還是職場菜鳥,公司員工都越來越在意自己的職業聲譽,生怕遭遇突然解聘會影響到自己的職業形象、業界人脈和未來發展前景。 ????職場專家稱,上一代的企業員工與企業分道揚鑣時,也許已經習慣了默默接受公司給出的拙劣托詞,但如今的職場人士卻更加老練世故,面對解聘的通知,他們更善于仔細推敲如何對外公布這一消息。 ????“事情已經鬧得沸沸揚揚,在這種情況下,說明自己這一方的情況非常重要,”薩爾皮特說。公開爆光公司的丑事并非明智之舉,因為這樣做只會使人懷疑你的判斷。但是,“和好朋友傾訴一番,倒倒苦水倒是個不錯的主意。” ????薩爾皮特還談到,她建議對一切可能導致解聘的單方面原因負責——但同時要闡明雇主不切實際的期望值以及不在個人控制能力范圍之內的因素。她還說:“人們總是同情并認可勇于承擔責任的人。” ????雅虎董事會應當重新溫習如何正確使用多樣化科技手段實現與管理層以及員工的交流,北美咨詢公司DEGW董事總經理喬治亞?柯林斯說,“這起事件證明了這樣一個事實,也許我們之前的做法并非完全正確。至少現行的商務教育和企業培訓項目對這個問題的涉及還不夠深入。” ????舉例說,就算雅虎董事會主席羅伊?波斯托克無法親自當面解雇巴茨,安排一次面對面的在線會議總不會太難吧?或者至少提前打好預防針,也讓她感到公司對她過往的一片心血和辛勤工作不乏感激之情?“我們總是習慣性地采用最簡單的方式,效果卻常常很糟糕,”柯林斯說。 |
????Both the firing of Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz over the phone, and her subsequent mass email sharing the ignominy, raise questions about appropriate workplace behavior in an era of global corporations and virtual workforces. ????Did the Yahoo (YHOO) board treat Bartz badly by neglecting to terminate her in person or at least via video teleconference? Was Bartz rash and unprofessional by blasting the board in an email to the entire Yahoo workforce and subsequent media interviews? Can her career ever recover? ????"She may be able to overcome what many of us would consider an inappropriate response," says Miriam Salpeter, a job search coach and Atlanta-based author of Social Networking for Career Success. "I don't think her reaction should inform anyone else's way to handle how they are managing their personal reputation and professional brand." ????The situation highlights the changing rules of engagement in corporate America. Increasingly, employees from the entry level to the corner office are worrying about shaping their professional brand and how a sudden departure will affect their image, work relationships, and career prospects. ????Where a previous generation of workers might have gone along with the thin subterfuge of a mutual parting of ways, today's sophisticated professionals would do well to carefully plan the messages they send in the wake of being fired, say career experts. ????"In a high profile situation, it's important to put your own spin on it," says Salpeter. Don't air the company's dirty laundry in a public declaration that might cause people to question your judgment. Still, "talking to close contacts and sharing that information is not a bad idea." ????In those conversations, she advises taking responsibility for anything on your part that might have led to your termination -- while putting it in the context of any unreasonable expectations or circumstances beyond your control. "People value and understand someone who takes responsibility," she says. ????The Yahoo board should brush up on the appropriate uses of various technologies for conversations with management and staff, says Georgia Collins, North America managing director for consulting firm DEGW. "This incident speaks to the fact that we maybe haven't quite got that right. It's probably not ingrained enough in our business education or corporate training programs," says Collins. ????For instance, even if Yahoo chairman Roy Bostock couldn't fire Bartz in person, could he have arranged a virtual face-to-face? Or could he have prepared her better in advance, so that she felt that her feelings and past hard work were appreciated? "We frequently default to what's easiest, and often that's not best," Collins says. |