


Vickie Elmer 2011年09月06日


????培訓一度被視為挽救職業生涯的最后一招,但目前針對高層人才的培訓正在成為主流。除了新近加入公司的高管要接受培訓之外,剛剛升職的部門主管由于要領導比之前多得多的下屬,同樣需要培訓。“領導力培訓是眼下最熱門的話題,”五點鐘俱樂部(Five O’Clock Club)的總裁凱特?溫德爾頓如是說。由于需求旺盛,該機構已經把旗下部分再就業培訓及生涯培訓教練轉變為管理者培訓教練。

????根據美國管理協會(American Management Association)于2011年7月進行的調查,參與調查的公司中接近半數會對升職或調職員工進行培訓。50%的公司僅對中高層管理者提供培訓,另有38%的公司實行全員培訓。同樣根據該次調查,培訓有3個主要的用途:提高領導力,改進工作表現,鞏固已有優勢。埃里卡?安德森說,“培訓就如同生意上的私人教練?!彼恰稇鹇孕运季S》(Being Strategic)一書的作者,同時也是多位媒體主管的培訓教練。

????多數教練面對面或通過電話與受訓的公司高管交流,頻率為每兩周或每月一次,前后大約持續一年的時間。除此之外,教練也越來越多地接受臨時提出的咨詢和培訓要求。壽險巨頭維朋公司 (WellPoint)收入高達580億美元,據該公司人才主管朱迪?韋德透露,“有約四分之一的高管接受了培訓。”韋德通常會同時推薦好幾位教練,再由受訓者從中自行選擇最適合自己的人選。“聘請教練是公司對表現優異者的一項投資,”韋德說,她本人目前也正在接受培訓。






????When Ryan Harris, 44, started working with an executive coach two years ago, he knew he needed to delegate more work and act more like a strategist. The top human resources exec at a New York City-based health company saw his challenges as "managing up and managing sideways." So, on his own initiative, he began meeting with his coach, Nancy Mercurio, about once a month. Since then, Harris says, he has learned to focus on results and approach more experienced executives with confidence. "He's become a more effective leader who holds people accountable," says Mercurio. So much so that he's sold his boss, the CEO, on offering company-paid coaching to other senior executives.

????Once seen as a last-chance effort to turn around flagging careers, coaches for top talent are going mainstream. They're being brought in for newly hired senior executives, as well as for newly promoted department heads who suddenly must manage many more people. "Leadership coaching is the hottest thing these days," says Kate Wendleton, president of the Five O'Clock Club, which has turned some of its outplacement and career coaches into executive coaches because demand has been so strong.

????According to a July 2011 American Management Association survey, almost half of participating companies use coaching to prepare individuals for a promotion or new role. While half of companies provide coaches to midlevel or senior staff only, 38% make them available to anyone. Coaching's three most common uses, according to the AMA survey: leadership development, remedial performance improvement, and optimizing strong contributors. "A coach is like a personal trainer for business," says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives.

????Most coaches meet with executives in person or by phone, either every other week or once a month for about a year, though they increasingly are available for emergency consults. At WellPoint (WLP), the $58-billion-in-revenue health insurance giant, about one-fourth of the senior leadership works with coaches, says Judy Wade, executive talent director. Typically Wade recommends a few, and then the individual chooses the best match. Hiring a coach "is an investment in people who we see as very solid performers," says Wade, who is taking coaching classes herself.

????It's okay to ask for a coach rather than wait for someone to offer you one. But if you want your company to pay -- at $200 or more per hour -- you should make a business case just as you would with any other budget item, Andersen suggests.

????Does coaching actually work? For all its popularity, companies are still struggling with how to measure its effectiveness. Some use 360-degree-feedback before and after sessions to look for changes in behavior or relationships. Others rely on evaluations from both the subject and his boss. The biggest mistake, says Charles Feltman, a leadership coach in San Luis Obispo, Calif., is expecting immediate results. Another huge error: not taking the experience seriously or cutting short or skipping coaching appointments.

????Another challenge is making sure that you have the right match. One-fourth of respondents in a 2009 AMA-Institute for Corporate Productivity research survey say they have terminated a coaching relationship. Indeed, Ryan Harris's first coach was a bust, in part because their backgrounds and perspectives were too similar.

????Mercurio, however, has proved invaluable. Now when he's in executive staff meetings, Harris is willing to lay out the drawbacks to an idea, even when he knows his CEO favors it. He's restructured his department and set performance standards and timetables; when one person couldn't meet them, he terminated the employee -- something he would have delayed in the past. "[Mercurio] has helped my career by leaps and bounds," he says. "I'm certainly more effective as an executive."

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