沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)已94歲高齡,但仍沒有退休計劃。
“如果你不需要這份工作,那就做你愿意做的工作——這是我的原則,”沃倫·巴菲特在2015年接受《財富》雜志長期記者卡羅爾·J·盧米斯(Carol J. Loomis)采訪時說。“你想做的應該是你即使不缺錢也愿意做的事情。但大多數(shù)人都需要錢。如果你有足夠的錢,就應該做你即使不缺錢也愿意做的事情。”
1965年,巴菲特接管了控股公司伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司,并帶領公司取得了巨大成功。它是美國第一家市值超過1萬億美元的非科技公司。巴菲特欽點的繼任者格雷格·阿貝爾(Greg Abel)將在他最終決定卸任時接替他的職位,但沒有其他跡象表明巴菲特計劃離職。
沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)已94歲高齡,但仍沒有退休計劃。
“如果你不需要這份工作,那就做你愿意做的工作——這是我的原則,”沃倫·巴菲特在2015年接受《財富》雜志長期記者卡羅爾·J·盧米斯(Carol J. Loomis)采訪時說。“你想做的應該是你即使不缺錢也愿意做的事情。但大多數(shù)人都需要錢。如果你有足夠的錢,就應該做你即使不缺錢也愿意做的事情。”
1965年,巴菲特接管了控股公司伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司,并帶領公司取得了巨大成功。它是美國第一家市值超過1萬億美元的非科技公司。巴菲特欽點的繼任者格雷格·阿貝爾(Greg Abel)將在他最終決定卸任時接替他的職位,但沒有其他跡象表明巴菲特計劃離職。
Warren Buffett has had a busy week. On Wednesday, his company Berkshire Hathaway hit a market capitalization of $1 trillion, and today he turns 94 years old—with no plans to retire.
The “Oracle of Omaha” has had a career arc that’s nearly unheard of, and his decades working for so long at the top of his field has given him a unique perspective on what kind of occupation he recommends people look for when it comes to their own lives.
“Take the job that you would take if you didn’t need the job—that’s what I’ve got,” Buffett told longtime Fortune reporter Carol J. Loomis during a 2015 interview. “You want to be doing something you would do if you didn’t need the money. And most people do need the money. But if you’re in the position where you don’t, you should be doing what you would if you didn’t need the money.”
Buffett added that while he does not need to continue as chairperson of Berkshire Hathaway, he loves it and has fun in the role, so much so that he continues to “tap dance to work” everyday. He also added that he feels lucky he’s in an industry that allows him to keep working.
“I am fortunately in a business where even though my muscles are gone, my balance is gone, my stamina is gone—it doesn’t make any difference in what I do, so I am very lucky in that way,” Buffett said.
Buffett took control of Berkshire Hathaway, a holding company, in 1965, and has since led the company to massive success. It is the first non-tech U.S. company to pass the $1 trillion mark. Buffett’s hand-picked successor, Greg Abel, will step into his shoes when he eventually does decide to step down, but there is no other indication that Buffett is planning to leave his post.
He did acknowledge at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in May of this year, however, that he’s not as energetic as he once was.