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自6月拜登在辯論中的災難性表現以來,要求歷屆總統中年齡最大的、時年81歲的美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)下臺的呼聲越來越高。最終,拜登在7月21日發布了退選聲明。拜登此前一直堅稱自己的年齡不至于無法勝任這一職位,這引發了一個問題,即與美國最大公司的領導人相比,他的年齡如何?



沃倫·E·巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett),94歲,伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway),《財富》美國500強排行榜第5位

自1965年以來,巴菲特一直領導著這家跨行業企業集團。伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司的主要業務是保險、鐵路貨運和公用事業。不過,該公司的許多子公司包括國家雇員保險公司(Geico)、美國伯靈頓北方圣太菲鐵路運輸公司(BNSF)、喜詩糖果(See 's Candies)、冰雪皇后(Dairy Queen)連鎖餐廳、跑鞋制造商布魯克斯(Brooks)、電池制造商金霸王(Duracell)和涂料制造商本杰明摩爾(Benjamin Moore)。該公司還擁有大量股票和其他投資組合,2023年的收入為3645億美元。

雖然巴菲特執掌公司已超過50年,但他已選定伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源(Berkshire Hathaway Energy)董事長格雷格·阿貝爾(Greg Abel)為繼任者。不過,這位“奧馬哈先知”尚未宣布何時退休。

羅杰·S·彭斯克(Roger S. Penske),87歲,彭斯克汽車集團(Penske Automotive Group),《財富》美國500強排行榜第146位

自1999年以來,彭斯克一直擔任這家多元化國際運輸服務公司以及汽車和商用卡車零售商的董事長兼首席執行官。他自1969年起擔任彭斯克公司(Penske Corporation)的董事會主席兼首席執行官,自1982年起擔任彭斯克卡車租賃公司(Penske Truck Leasing Corporation)的董事會主席。2023年,該公司的收入為295億美元。彭斯克還是一名退役賽車手,擁有著名的印第安納波利斯賽車場和印地方程式賽。

羅伯特·格林伯格(Robert Greenberg),84歲,美國斯凱奇公司(Skechers, U.S.A.),《財富》美國500強排行榜第465位

格林伯格自1992年與他人共同創立斯凱奇以來,一直擔任該公司董事長兼首席執行官。這家總部位于加州的鞋類公司在2023年的收入為80億美元。格林伯格是波士頓人,有創業背景,也是拉蓋爾(L.A. Gear)的創始人,他最初的職業是發型師和美發廳老板。

斯凱奇是家族企業,由格林伯格掌舵。他的兒子邁克爾·格林伯格(Michael Greenberg)擔任總裁,也是斯凱奇的聯合創始人之一。今年3月,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)宣布,斯凱奇同意支付125萬美元的民事罰款,以了結未能披露為其高管及其直系親屬支付費用的指控。

阿爾伯特·H·納哈馬德(Albert H. Nahmad),83歲,華斯科公司(Watsco),《財富》美國500強排行榜第489位


葛思民(Selfi Ghasemi),80歲,空氣化工產品有限公司(Air Products & Chemicals),《財富》美國500強排行榜第322位

2014年7月,葛思民出任空氣產品公司(Air Products)董事長、總裁兼首席執行官。該公司在2023年的收入達到126億美元。葛思民在2月份巴克萊銀行(Barclays)的一次會議上表示:“我們(在2023年)表現優異,我希望這種情況能持續下去。但總體而言,我是樂觀主義者,可以說是非常樂觀的人。”在加入空氣產品公司之前,他曾擔任鋰和先進材料公司洛克伍德控股公司(Rockwood Holdings)的董事長兼首席執行官。他還曾在全球工業公司吉凱恩集團(GKN)擔任領導職務,包括在吉凱恩燒結金屬公司(GKN Sinter Metals)和海格納士公司(Hoeganes Corporation)擔任董事長兼首席執行官。在職業生涯早期,葛思民在比歐西集團(The BOC Group)工作了近20年。

A.J.蒂格(A.J. Teague),79歲,Enterprise Product Partners,《財富》美國500強排行榜第90位

這家總部位于休斯頓的天然氣和原油管道公司2023年的收入達到了497億美元。蒂格自2020年1月起擔任聯席首席執行官,而且自2010年起擔任Enterprise GP的董事。蒂格此前曾擔任Enterprise GP的首席執行官、首席運營官和執行副總裁,以及該公司的其他多個領導職務。他是在1999年Enterprise GP從殼牌石油公司(Shell Oil Company)附屬公司購買部分中游能源資產時加入該公司的。他還曾擔任Tejas Natural Gas liquid, LLC(當時是殼牌石油公司的附屬公司)的總裁,以及MAPCO, Inc.的營銷和交易總裁。

蘇世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman),77歲,黑石集團(Blackstone),《財富》美國500強排行榜第464位



自6月拜登在辯論中的災難性表現以來,要求歷屆總統中年齡最大的、時年81歲的美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)下臺的呼聲越來越高。最終,拜登在7月21日發布了退選聲明。拜登此前一直堅稱自己的年齡不至于無法勝任這一職位,這引發了一個問題,即與美國最大公司的領導人相比,他的年齡如何?



沃倫·E·巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett),94歲,伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway),《財富》美國500強排行榜第5位

自1965年以來,巴菲特一直領導著這家跨行業企業集團。伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司的主要業務是保險、鐵路貨運和公用事業。不過,該公司的許多子公司包括國家雇員保險公司(Geico)、美國伯靈頓北方圣太菲鐵路運輸公司(BNSF)、喜詩糖果(See 's Candies)、冰雪皇后(Dairy Queen)連鎖餐廳、跑鞋制造商布魯克斯(Brooks)、電池制造商金霸王(Duracell)和涂料制造商本杰明摩爾(Benjamin Moore)。該公司還擁有大量股票和其他投資組合,2023年的收入為3645億美元。

雖然巴菲特執掌公司已超過50年,但他已選定伯克希爾-哈撒韋能源(Berkshire Hathaway Energy)董事長格雷格·阿貝爾(Greg Abel)為繼任者。不過,這位“奧馬哈先知”尚未宣布何時退休。

羅杰·S·彭斯克(Roger S. Penske),87歲,彭斯克汽車集團(Penske Automotive Group),《財富》美國500強排行榜第146位

自1999年以來,彭斯克一直擔任這家多元化國際運輸服務公司以及汽車和商用卡車零售商的董事長兼首席執行官。他自1969年起擔任彭斯克公司(Penske Corporation)的董事會主席兼首席執行官,自1982年起擔任彭斯克卡車租賃公司(Penske Truck Leasing Corporation)的董事會主席。2023年,該公司的收入為295億美元。彭斯克還是一名退役賽車手,擁有著名的印第安納波利斯賽車場和印地方程式賽。

羅伯特·格林伯格(Robert Greenberg),84歲,美國斯凱奇公司(Skechers, U.S.A.),《財富》美國500強排行榜第465位

格林伯格自1992年與他人共同創立斯凱奇以來,一直擔任該公司董事長兼首席執行官。這家總部位于加州的鞋類公司在2023年的收入為80億美元。格林伯格是波士頓人,有創業背景,也是拉蓋爾(L.A. Gear)的創始人,他最初的職業是發型師和美發廳老板。

斯凱奇是家族企業,由格林伯格掌舵。他的兒子邁克爾·格林伯格(Michael Greenberg)擔任總裁,也是斯凱奇的聯合創始人之一。今年3月,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)宣布,斯凱奇同意支付125萬美元的民事罰款,以了結未能披露為其高管及其直系親屬支付費用的指控。

阿爾伯特·H·納哈馬德(Albert H. Nahmad),83歲,華斯科公司(Watsco),《財富》美國500強排行榜第489位


葛思民(Selfi Ghasemi),80歲,空氣化工產品有限公司(Air Products & Chemicals),《財富》美國500強排行榜第322位

2014年7月,葛思民出任空氣產品公司(Air Products)董事長、總裁兼首席執行官。該公司在2023年的收入達到126億美元。葛思民在2月份巴克萊銀行(Barclays)的一次會議上表示:“我們(在2023年)表現優異,我希望這種情況能持續下去。但總體而言,我是樂觀主義者,可以說是非常樂觀的人。”在加入空氣產品公司之前,他曾擔任鋰和先進材料公司洛克伍德控股公司(Rockwood Holdings)的董事長兼首席執行官。他還曾在全球工業公司吉凱恩集團(GKN)擔任領導職務,包括在吉凱恩燒結金屬公司(GKN Sinter Metals)和海格納士公司(Hoeganes Corporation)擔任董事長兼首席執行官。在職業生涯早期,葛思民在比歐西集團(The BOC Group)工作了近20年。

A.J.蒂格(A.J. Teague),79歲,Enterprise Product Partners,《財富》美國500強排行榜第90位

這家總部位于休斯頓的天然氣和原油管道公司2023年的收入達到了497億美元。蒂格自2020年1月起擔任聯席首席執行官,而且自2010年起擔任Enterprise GP的董事。蒂格此前曾擔任Enterprise GP的首席執行官、首席運營官和執行副總裁,以及該公司的其他多個領導職務。他是在1999年Enterprise GP從殼牌石油公司(Shell Oil Company)附屬公司購買部分中游能源資產時加入該公司的。他還曾擔任Tejas Natural Gas liquid, LLC(當時是殼牌石油公司的附屬公司)的總裁,以及MAPCO, Inc.的營銷和交易總裁。

蘇世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman),77歲,黑石集團(Blackstone),《財富》美國500強排行榜第464位



Since his disastrous debate performance in June, the calls have only grown louder for U.S. President Joe Biden, age 81 and the oldest man to run the White House, to step aside. Top Democratic leaders this week joined the rank-and-file members in calling for Biden to drop out of the race ahead of November’s election. Biden has so far insisted he is not too old to do the job—raising the question of how he compares in age to those leading the largest companies in the U.S.

Fortune has compiled a list of the seven oldest CEOs in the Fortune 500. While the average age for all Fortune 500 CEOs is 57, the age of chief executives on this list ranges from their late 70s to early 90s. All of them have been in their roles for more than 10 years or even since the company was founded. The average overall tenure of CEOs in the Fortune 500 is seven years.

Below is the list of those CEOs, ranging from oldest to (relatively) youngest.

Warren E. Buffett, 94, Berkshire Hathaway, No. 5 in the Fortune 500

Buffett has led the multi-industry conglomerate since 1965. Berkshire Hathaway’s principal business lines are in the insurance, railroad freight, and utility industries. But the company’s many subsidiaries include insurer Geico, the railway BNSF, See’s Candies, the Dairy Queen restaurant chain, running-shoe maker Brooks, battery maker Duracell, and paint manufacturer Benjamin Moore. Berkshire Hathaway also owns a substantial portfolio of equities and other investments. The company generated $364.5 billion in revenue for 2023.

Although Buffett has been at the helm of the company for more than five decades, he has selected Greg Abel, chair of Berkshire Hathaway Energy, as his successor. However, the Oracle of Omaha hasn’t yet announced when he will retire.

Roger S. Penske, 87, Penske Automotive Group, No. 146 in the Fortune 500

Since 1999, Penske has served as chair and CEO of the diversified international transportation services company and an automotive and commercial truck retailer. He has also been chair of the board and CEO of Penske Corporation since 1969 and chair of the board of Penske Truck Leasing Corporation since 1982. In 2023, the company earned $29.5 billion in revenue. Penske is also a retired auto racer, who owns the famed Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the IndyCar Series.

Robert Greenberg, 84, Skechers, U.S.A. No. 465 in the Fortune 500

Greenberg has served as Skechers’ chair and CEO since he co-founded the company in 1992. The California-based footwear company earned $8 billion in revenue in 2023. Greenberg, a Boston native with an entrepreneurial background, is also the founder of L.A. Gear and started his career as a hairstylist and a salon owner.

Skechers’ leadership is a family affair with Greenberg at the helm, and his son, Michael Greenberg, also a co-founder, serving as president. In March, the SEC announced that Skechers agreed to pay a $1.25 million civil penalty to settle charges for failing to disclose payments for the benefit of its executives and their immediate family members.

Albert H. Nahmad, 83, Watsco, No. 489 in the Fortune 500

Nahmad founded the distributor of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment. He’s been leader, chairman, and CEO since 1972. Nahmad played a central role in expanding the business through acquisitions, and strategic business relationships. Watsco has grown from a market capitalization of $22 million in 1989 to $7.3 billion at the end of 2023, generating a compounded annual growth rate of total shareholder return of 19%. Watsco now serves more than 125,000 active contractor customers through a network of 690 locations.

Selfi Ghasemi, 80, Air Products & Chemicals, No. 322 in the Fortune 500

Ghasemi became chairman, president and CEO of Air Products in July 2014. The company reached $12.6 billion in revenue in 2023. “We did very well [in 2023], and I hope it will continue,” Ghasemi said during a Barclays conference in February. “But in general, I’m the glass-half-full guy, I’m very optimistic.” Before joining Air Products, he served as chairman and CEO of Rockwood Holdings, a lithium and advanced materials company. He also held leadership roles at GKN, a global industrial company, including chairman and CEO of GKN Sinter Metals, Inc. and Hoeganes Corporation. Earlier in his career, Ghasemi spent nearly 20 years with The BOC Group.

A.J. Teague, 79, co-CEO, Enterprise Product Partners, No. 90 in the Fortune 500

The natural gas and crude oil pipeline company with headquarters in Houston reached $49.7 billion in revenue in 2023. Teague has served as co-CEO since January 2020 and has been a director of Enterprise GP since 2010. Teague previously served as CEO of Enterprise GP, as well as COO and EVP, and several other leadership roles within the company. Teague joined Enterprise in connection with its purchase of certain midstream energy assets from affiliates of Shell Oil Company in 1999. He also served as president of Tejas Natural Gas Liquids, LLC, then an affiliate of Shell, and was president of marketing and Trading for MAPCO, Inc.

Stephen A. Schwarzman, 77, Blackstone, No. 464 in the Fortune 500

Schwarzman is chair, CEO, and co-founded Blackstone in 1985. It’s one of the world’s largest alternative investment firms with over $1 trillion assets under management as of March 31. The firm reached $8 billion in revenue in 2023. The firm has investing businesses across asset classes, including private equity, real estate, and credit. Blackstone also has major businesses dedicated to infrastructure and life sciences investing. Schwarzman is not a technologist but one of AI’s early backers and a proponent of the technology. He has donated about $500 million to AI education and research. This includes a $350 million gift to MIT in 2018 followed by a grant to Oxford that ultimately totaled over £190 million, equivalent to roughly $240 million.



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