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據彭博億萬富翁指數(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)統計,鮑爾默的資產凈值約為1,480億美元,幾乎快要趕上他的前老板、微軟創始人比爾·蓋茨。蓋茨的資產凈值為1,540億美元。

回顧鮑爾默光輝的職業生涯,可以發現他的成功秘訣,但他也并非一直都是一帆風順。24歲時,鮑爾默從斯坦福商學院(Stanford Business School)肄業,加入微軟和前哈佛(Harvard)同學蓋茨的團隊。作為微軟的第30名員工,鮑爾默的基本工資為50,000美元。




2014年,鮑爾默在一次感人的告別演講中對于“我人生中的這段時光”,向員工表示感謝,然后他開始著眼于其他事業。同一年,他以20億美元收購了NBA球隊洛杉磯快船隊(Los Angeles Clippers)(目前《福布斯》對該球隊的估值超過45億美元)。

離開微軟之后,鮑爾默積極投身慈善事業。2018年,他向專注于改善經濟流動性的捐贈者建議基金高盛慈善基金(Goldman Sachs Philanthropy)捐款近20億美元。最近,他在2022年投資4億美元,支持黑人擁有的企業;去年3月,他在華盛頓州投資4,300萬美元支持兒童早教人員;去年9月,他宣布將在未來7年投資1.75億美元,旨在幫助400萬年輕人,尤其是面臨系統性不平等的有色人種社區的年輕人,并提供經濟流動的途徑。













在收購洛杉磯快船隊十年后,他依舊在創造性地思考如何改造這支球隊。據《福布斯》報道,他與科懷·倫納德、保羅·喬治和拉塞爾·威斯布魯克等超級球星簽約或續約,組成了一個全明星陣容,為球隊在Intuit Dome體育館的揭幕戰做準備。Intuit Dome體育館將成為洛杉磯快船隊的未來主場和2026年NBA全明星周末的舉辦地。

本月,鮑爾默創建了一個新品牌Halo Sports and Entertainment,其資產將包括新體育館、洛杉磯快船隊、G聯盟附屬球隊安大略快船隊(Ontario Clippers)以及他在2020年收購的位于英格爾伍德的音樂娛樂場館起亞論壇體育館(KIA Forum)。







最近出現了一個與他的局限性有關的搞笑理論:Urban Dictionary將其稱為“鮑爾默峰值”,即“當計算機程序員的血液酒精含量在0.129%至0.138%之間時,會獲得準魔法般的超人編程能力”。這種理論其實與鮑爾默沒有太大關系,但卻啟發舊金山的一家機構Originate,組織了一場開放酒吧黑客馬拉松活動Ballmer Peak-A-Thon,人們有5個小時的時間尋找神秘的“鮑爾默峰值,并創建最佳或者最差的業務”。派對開始時,酒吧會提供“許多有趣的域名”。(財富中文網)




據彭博億萬富翁指數(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)統計,鮑爾默的資產凈值約為1,480億美元,幾乎快要趕上他的前老板、微軟創始人比爾·蓋茨。蓋茨的資產凈值為1,540億美元。

回顧鮑爾默光輝的職業生涯,可以發現他的成功秘訣,但他也并非一直都是一帆風順。24歲時,鮑爾默從斯坦福商學院(Stanford Business School)肄業,加入微軟和前哈佛(Harvard)同學蓋茨的團隊。作為微軟的第30名員工,鮑爾默的基本工資為50,000美元。




2014年,鮑爾默在一次感人的告別演講中對于“我人生中的這段時光”,向員工表示感謝,然后他開始著眼于其他事業。同一年,他以20億美元收購了NBA球隊洛杉磯快船隊(Los Angeles Clippers)(目前《福布斯》對該球隊的估值超過45億美元)。

離開微軟之后,鮑爾默積極投身慈善事業。2018年,他向專注于改善經濟流動性的捐贈者建議基金高盛慈善基金(Goldman Sachs Philanthropy)捐款近20億美元。最近,他在2022年投資4億美元,支持黑人擁有的企業;去年3月,他在華盛頓州投資4,300萬美元支持兒童早教人員;去年9月,他宣布將在未來7年投資1.75億美元,旨在幫助400萬年輕人,尤其是面臨系統性不平等的有色人種社區的年輕人,并提供經濟流動的途徑。













在收購洛杉磯快船隊十年后,他依舊在創造性地思考如何改造這支球隊。據《福布斯》報道,他與科懷·倫納德、保羅·喬治和拉塞爾·威斯布魯克等超級球星簽約或續約,組成了一個全明星陣容,為球隊在Intuit Dome體育館的揭幕戰做準備。Intuit Dome體育館將成為洛杉磯快船隊的未來主場和2026年NBA全明星周末的舉辦地。

本月,鮑爾默創建了一個新品牌Halo Sports and Entertainment,其資產將包括新體育館、洛杉磯快船隊、G聯盟附屬球隊安大略快船隊(Ontario Clippers)以及他在2020年收購的位于英格爾伍德的音樂娛樂場館起亞論壇體育館(KIA Forum)。







最近出現了一個與他的局限性有關的搞笑理論:Urban Dictionary將其稱為“鮑爾默峰值”,即“當計算機程序員的血液酒精含量在0.129%至0.138%之間時,會獲得準魔法般的超人編程能力”。這種理論其實與鮑爾默沒有太大關系,但卻啟發舊金山的一家機構Originate,組織了一場開放酒吧黑客馬拉松活動Ballmer Peak-A-Thon,人們有5個小時的時間尋找神秘的“鮑爾默峰值,并創建最佳或者最差的業務”。派對開始時,酒吧會提供“許多有趣的域名”。(財富中文網)



Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer turns 68 years old today, and the sixth richest person in the world has a lot to celebrate.

With a net worth of about $148 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Ballmer is now just shy of overtaking his old boss, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who sits at $154 billion.

A look back at Ballmer’s illustrious career reveals the secrets behind his success, but it wasn’t always so glamorous. At 24, Ballmer dropped out of Stanford Business School to join Microsoft and Gates, his former Harvard classmate. As the company’s 30th employee, Ballmer netted a base salary of $50,000.

The small tech startup quickly became one America’s fastest-growing companies, overtaking the incumbent Apple and dominating the growth of personal computers in the 1990s by developing Windows, an easy-to-use operating system. Ballmer took over for Gates during a key moment of transition, in 2000, managing through the aftermath of a famous antitrust case that dated back to 1998, as well as the aftermath of the dot-com crash and the emergence of fierce competition from rivals both new and old: Google and Apple.

Ballmer tripled Microsoft’s annual revenue to nearly $78 billion during his tenure, and profits swelled to $22 billion during his last full fiscal year as CEO, but the stock didn’t reflect its dominance. In retrospect, Ballmer set the stage for a stunning comeback in the decades since. Microsoft now ranks 13th on the Fortune 500, while its market capitalization has conquered all others: It’s the most valuable company in the world, at $3.2 trillion.

Ballmer still holds an estimated 4.5% stake in Microsoft, and has seen its value soar even further, following his successor Satya Nadella’s bet on OpenAI. In 2021, Ballmer became the ninth person in the world to report a net worth of more than $100 billion, and Ballmer is the only centibillionaire to make his fortune as an employee, not as an entrepreneur.

After thanking employees for the “time of my life” in an emotional farewell presentation in 2014, Ballmer set his sights on other entrepreneurial adventures. The same year, he bought the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion (Forbes now values the franchise at over $4.5 billion).

Since leaving Microsoft, Ballmer has leaned heavily into philanthropy. He donated nearly $2 billion to a donor-advised Goldman Sachs Philanthropy fund focused on economic mobility in 2018. More recently, he invested $400 million to support Black-owned businesses in 2022; $43 million in the early childhood education workforce in Washington State last March; and last September he announced a $175 million investment over the next seven years, aimed at helping 4 million young people, especially in communities of color who face systemic inequalities, along the path to economic mobility.

In one of his final interviews as Microsoft’s CEO in 2013, Ballmer sat down with Fortune to share some of his biggest tips for success.

1. Take a look at the big picture

“If the CEO doesn’t see the playing field, nobody else can,” Ballmer said in the 2013 interview with Fortune. “The team may need to see it too, but the CEO really needs to be able to see the entire competitive space.”

Microsoft’s variety of products, like cloud services and personal computing, touch a lot of different markets and competition seems to lurk around every corner. During his stint as CEO, he faced criticism for not adapting quickly enough to changing market trends. Competitors in mobile devices, like Samsung and Nokia, and cloud computing services, like Google and Apple, were on the rise. Microsoft’s stock was stagnating in the years leading to his retirement in 2014. Still, Microsoft’s revenue nearly quadrupled under his watch.

2. Always look for talent

While at Microsoft, Ballmer hired some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, like Steven Sinofksy, who headed Windows; J Allard, who served as chief technology officer of Xbox; and Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s chief software architect.

In a 2009 interview with the Wall Street Journal, Ballmer said in order “to be dynamic,” companies should aim to promote internal workers “70% or 80% of the time,” and when a company wants to take on outside hires, they should be “open-minded” and ask for references.

In interviews for potential new hires, the two biggest qualities he looks for are passion that he “can see in the eyes,” and someone he can relate to. One of his favorite questions to ask is “tell me about something you’re proud of.”

3. Always reconsider–that’s how to find the most successful business model

At Microsoft, the name of Ballmer’s game was rethink, rethink, rethink.

“There was a day when people said all the money is in software; get out of hardware,” he told Fortune in 2013. Hardware was what Apple and Samsung, Microsoft’s biggest rivals at the time, were also profitable in. In 2013, Apple recorded 170.9 billion in revenue. Google recorded $55.5 billion. “Then somebody will say, ‘oh, it’s all about advertising,’” which is what its rival, Google, was making bank on.

“The playing field is always changing,” he said, and the sentiment holds true in his current endeavors on the basketball court.

A decade after buying the Clippers, Ballmer is still thinking creatively about how to revamp the franchise. He’s been signing–and retaining–superstars like Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, and Russell Westbrook to form a quartet of stars in preparation for the Intuit Dome grand opening in August, Forbes reported, the team’s future home court and the setting of the 2026 NBA All-Star weekend.

This month, he launched a new brand, Halo Sports and Entertainment, which will feature the new dome, the LA Clippers, their G-league affiliate team called the Ontario Clippers, and KIA Forum, a music and entertainment arena in Inglewood, which he purchased in 2020.

4. Plan for the short term and long term

“Getting the big things right that make all the money, that’s long cycle,” Ballmer told Fortune in 2013, emphasizing that “really executing in a way that allows you to do it, that’s short cycle.”

One of the long-term projects he’s chipped away at is USAFacts, a database that collects and analyzes how federal, state and local governments generate revenue and spend money. The database also includes reports users can run to gather information on topics ranging from tax rates to rates of overdoses and crime across the country.

The site brands itself as a “non-partisan, not-for-profit civic initiative,” with no “political agenda or commercial motive.”

5. Know where you fall short

“I obviously understand the business stuff better than the technology stuff,” Ballmer concluded in the 2013 interview, but adding, “I’ve grown, and when you grow, you say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.’”

One joke theory related to his limitations has cropped up: it’s what Urban Dictionary calls the Ballmer Peak, or the “theory that computer programmers obtain quasi-magical, superhuman coding ability when they have a blood alcohol concentration percentage between 0.129% and 0.138%.” The theory is loosely tied to Ballmer—but has inspired a San Francisco organization, Originate, to organize a Ballmer Peak-A-Thon: an open bar event where people have “5 hours to find the elusive Ballmer peak, and build the best worst business possible.” The bar provides “plenty of sill domain names” to kick off the party.



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