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? 目標定位可持續。強調最符合公司希望對世界產生獨特影響,也符合更廣泛利益相關者價值觀和需求的ESG領域。將可持續發展戰略與公司目標結合,能夠確保更持久有效。

? 創建新型可持續企業。隨著公共和私營部門在凈零經濟中投資越來越多,公司有機會打進新市場并提供獨特的優勢。這需要創造性思維、試驗和大膽行動,將核心業務優勢與新機遇出現時積極參與的觀察結合起來。

? 推動核心業務可持續發展。端到端供應鏈要更加透明,創建一致指標、數據和分析工具,指導工作重點并推動供應商進一步實現可持續。

? 培養能力。可持續發展需要堅實的基礎,包括強有力的治理體系、新的人才和企業管理技能、廣泛的數據能力和詳盡的報告過程。隨著成為可持續發展領導者的要求挑戰越來越大,對ESG技能和創新保持持續改進的心態非常重要。

? 掌握敘事。鼓勵員工、投資者和其他利益相關者參與,積極分享可持續發展故事。不讓評級機構、活動家和媒體定義公司、相關進展以及主張。


李瑞麒(Rich Lesser)是波士頓咨詢公司(Boston Consulting Group)首席執行官。里奇·哈欽森負責波士頓咨詢公司的社會影響實踐。










? 目標定位可持續。強調最符合公司希望對世界產生獨特影響,也符合更廣泛利益相關者價值觀和需求的ESG領域。將可持續發展戰略與公司目標結合,能夠確保更持久有效。

? 創建新型可持續企業。隨著公共和私營部門在凈零經濟中投資越來越多,公司有機會打進新市場并提供獨特的優勢。這需要創造性思維、試驗和大膽行動,將核心業務優勢與新機遇出現時積極參與的觀察結合起來。

? 推動核心業務可持續發展。端到端供應鏈要更加透明,創建一致指標、數據和分析工具,指導工作重點并推動供應商進一步實現可持續。

? 培養能力。可持續發展需要堅實的基礎,包括強有力的治理體系、新的人才和企業管理技能、廣泛的數據能力和詳盡的報告過程。隨著成為可持續發展領導者的要求挑戰越來越大,對ESG技能和創新保持持續改進的心態非常重要。

? 掌握敘事。鼓勵員工、投資者和其他利益相關者參與,積極分享可持續發展故事。不讓評級機構、活動家和媒體定義公司、相關進展以及主張。


李瑞麒(Rich Lesser)是波士頓咨詢公司(Boston Consulting Group)首席執行官。里奇·哈欽森負責波士頓咨詢公司的社會影響實踐。


The pressure is on, and the stakes are huge. As companies figure out how to transform themselves to become more sustainable, ready to drive positive environmental and societal change, we will see enormous change within industries—and brand-new opportunities for growth.

The efforts to reach the Paris Agreement goals alone will transform the global economy and require investments totaling an estimated $100 trillion to $150 trillion by 2050. Embedding sustainability in the core of the business agenda is not only the right thing to do, but will be a critical source of competitive advantage for the companies that do it right.

Here’s one example of a unique advantage that’s up for grabs:

As more companies pursue net-zero agendas, there will be a fierce struggle to obtain the resources, infrastructure, capabilities, and talent that they’ll need to reach their goals. In 2025, right around the corner from now, supply of recycled plastic is projected to be 45% short of demand. And today we have less than one-third the supply of raw materials that we’ll need to meet the battery demand of 2030.

The scarcities caused by the race to sustainability can bring substantial headaches—or companies can find ways to turn them into sources of advantage while mitigating risk, deepening their own resilience, and accelerating a change of great benefit to our planet.

Other opportunities to uncover important sources of value abound. In the case of auto manufacturers, for instance, eliminating 60% of scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions during an initial phase of decarbonization has the potential to generate significant annual savings, and those cost reductions can help fund the costs of eliminating the remaining 40%. Even when manufacturing a sustainable product means higher costs, the increases are often marginal—less than 1% for a $400 smartphone built with a net-zero supply, for example.

The main trick to seizing these opportunities is to move beyond looking at sustainability only through an ESG (environmental, social, and governance) compliance lens. It’s much larger than that, and for most company leaders it will be core to their strategic agendas for years to come. They have to find ways to make a societal impact while creating real value for the business, integrating these efforts into every part of the organization.

Here are five actions essential to that value creation agenda:

? Anchor sustainability in purpose. Emphasize the areas of ESG that are most aligned with the unique impact your company is trying to have on the world and with the values and needs of your broader stakeholders. Connecting sustainability strategy to the company’s purpose will make it more lasting and impactful.

? Build new sustainable businesses. As the public and private sectors invest more and more in a net-zero economy, companies have the chance to dive into new markets where they can offer unique advantages. This requires creative thinking, experimentation, and bold actions to combine the strengths of the core business with insights into how to get involved in new opportunities as they arise.

? Make the core sustainable. It’s imperative to make supply chains more transparent from end to end, creating consistent metrics and data and analytic tools to guide prioritization and push suppliers toward greater sustainability.

? Build capabilities. Sustainability requires the right foundation, including a strong governance system, new people and organization skills, extensive data capabilities, and robust reporting processes. And as the requirements for being a sustainability leader become more challenging, it’s important to have a continuous improvement mindset toward ESG skills and innovation.

? Own the narrative. Share the company’s sustainability story in a way that engages employees, investors, and other stakeholders. Don’t let the ratings agencies, activists, and media define you, your progress, and what you stand for.

Just as some companies understood early on how to take advantage of fast-growing digital disruption, there will be (and already are) leaders in sustainability transformation. The challenges are many, and they’ll get more complex over the years. But by driving a sustainability strategy from the inside out, companies can manage that complexity, create meaningful societal and environmental impact—and capture value that lasts.

Rich Lesser is CEO of Boston Consulting Group. Rich Hutchinson leads BCG’s Social Impact practice.



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