“富達致力于負責任地支持年輕投資者。”富達投資公司(Fidelity Investments)負責收購和忠誠度事務的高級副總裁珍妮弗?薩馬里斯在一份聲明中表示。“我們的目標是鼓勵美國年輕人通過行動來學習,并促進家庭內部圍繞金融話題展開有意義的對話。這個賬戶將為年輕人提供一個在實踐中學習的機會,進而幫助他們建立健康的理財習慣。”
富達近年來動作頻頻,以期在理財決策方面成為人們的終生合作伙伴,并且已經取得了一些堅實的進展。據《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)報道,2021年第一季度,這家經紀公司新增35歲以下投資者賬戶160萬個,比2020年實現同樣增幅的速度快了兩倍多。
“富達致力于負責任地支持年輕投資者。”富達投資公司(Fidelity Investments)負責收購和忠誠度事務的高級副總裁珍妮弗?薩馬里斯在一份聲明中表示。“我們的目標是鼓勵美國年輕人通過行動來學習,并促進家庭內部圍繞金融話題展開有意義的對話。這個賬戶將為年輕人提供一個在實踐中學習的機會,進而幫助他們建立健康的理財習慣。”
富達近年來動作頻頻,以期在理財決策方面成為人們的終生合作伙伴,并且已經取得了一些堅實的進展。據《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)報道,2021年第一季度,這家經紀公司新增35歲以下投資者賬戶160萬個,比2020年實現同樣增幅的速度快了兩倍多。
Fidelity is hoping to lure the next generation of traders.
The brokerage announced plans on May 20 to offer debit cards and investment/savings accounts to 13- to 17-year-olds whose parents or guardians invest with Fidelity. The service will not charge account fees or commissions for online trades.
With those accounts, teens will be able to invest in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, but—as with any Fidelity account—they won’t be able to put money into cryptocurrencies, which are especially popular with younger investors.
“Fidelity is committed to responsibly supporting young investors,” said Jennifer Samalis, senior vice president of acquisition and loyalty at Fidelity Investments, in a statement. “Our goal…is to encourage young Americans to learn through action and foster meaningful family conversations around financial topics…The account [provides] the ability for teens to build healthy money habits through learning by doing.”
Fidelity increasingly has been striving to become a lifetime partner for people as they make financial decisions—and has been making some solid progress. The Wall Street Journal reports the brokerage added 1.6 million accounts from investors 35 years old or younger in the first quarter of 2021, which is more than triple the rate at which it did so in 2020.
Technically, it’s the parent or guardian who is entering the brokerage contract with Fidelity, not the teen—a distinction that lets the company avoid legal entanglements. The adult then transfers that account to the teen but retains a supervisory role, can close it when he or she wants, and receives transaction alerts.
There’s no minimum investment required, and teens will not have access to their parents’ accounts.
Accounts will transition to a standard brokerage account with additional choices when the teen turns 18.