1月20日,商業圓桌會議(Business Roundtable)向新上任的拜登政府發出了一份祝賀聲明,稱贊其承諾迅速采取行動以遏制新冠疫情。商業圓桌會議由美國近200家大型企業的首席執行官組成,在業內頗具影響力。
商業圓桌會議的這一聲明在美國總統喬?拜登和副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)的就職典禮結束后不久發出。該會議的成員包括沃爾瑪(Walmart)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)和波音(Boeing)等公司的首席執行官。
同樣是在本周,沃爾瑪的首席執行官、商業圓桌會議的主席董明倫(Doug McMillon)也表達了大型企業對控制疫情的迫切希望。他說:“拜登政府和國會有機會扭轉疫情現狀。解決疫情危機必須是當下最首要的任務。”
兩周前的國會沖擊事件之后,商業圓桌會議和美國商會(U.S. Chamber of Commerce)、美國全國制造業協會(National Association of Manufacturers)等其他商業團體與明面上支持商業發展的特朗普政府的關系持續惡化,事件發生后,前者還曾經激烈抨擊特朗普煽動其支持者的行徑。在部分資深共和黨人領導推翻2020年11月3日的大選結果后,許多大公司都表示,它們將自此削減政治捐款。
1月20日下午,美國商會在推特(Twitter)上寫道:“我們歡迎拜登總統重新加入《巴黎氣候協定》(Paris Climate Agreement)的行動。在應對氣候挑戰的國際行動中,美國恢復自己的領導地位是至關重要的。”(財富中文網)
1月20日,商業圓桌會議(Business Roundtable)向新上任的拜登政府發出了一份祝賀聲明,稱贊其承諾迅速采取行動以遏制新冠疫情。商業圓桌會議由美國近200家大型企業的首席執行官組成,在業內頗具影響力。
商業圓桌會議的這一聲明在美國總統喬?拜登和副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)的就職典禮結束后不久發出。該會議的成員包括沃爾瑪(Walmart)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)和波音(Boeing)等公司的首席執行官。
同樣是在本周,沃爾瑪的首席執行官、商業圓桌會議的主席董明倫(Doug McMillon)也表達了大型企業對控制疫情的迫切希望。他說:“拜登政府和國會有機會扭轉疫情現狀。解決疫情危機必須是當下最首要的任務。”
兩周前的國會沖擊事件之后,商業圓桌會議和美國商會(U.S. Chamber of Commerce)、美國全國制造業協會(National Association of Manufacturers)等其他商業團體與明面上支持商業發展的特朗普政府的關系持續惡化,事件發生后,前者還曾經激烈抨擊特朗普煽動其支持者的行徑。在部分資深共和黨人領導推翻2020年11月3日的大選結果后,許多大公司都表示,它們將自此削減政治捐款。
1月20日下午,美國商會在推特(Twitter)上寫道:“我們歡迎拜登總統重新加入《巴黎氣候協定》(Paris Climate Agreement)的行動。在應對氣候挑戰的國際行動中,美國恢復自己的領導地位是至關重要的。”(財富中文網)
That didn't take long.
The Business Roundtable, an influential association of the chief executive officers of almost 200 of America’s biggest companies, sent out a congratulatory statement to the newly installed Biden administration on January 20 to praise it for its pledge to act quickly in taming the COVID-19 pandemic.
The group, whose members include the chiefs of companies such as Walmart, JPMorgan Chase, and Boeing, sent out the statement soon after the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris ended.
The new administration has set out to vaccinate 100 million Americans in its first 100 days, an ambitious goal but one welcomed by corporate America. The pandemic so far has killed more than 400,000 Americans and overwhelmed hospitals nationwide, and also wrought enormous destruction to the U.S. economy, particularly in sectors such as retail and food service.
"We applaud the new Administration for taking swift action to bring an end to the pandemic, including by developing a strong national plan to scale up vaccination," the Business Roundtable's CEO Joshua Bolten said in a statement.
The previous administration, led by Donald Trump, often denied the severity of the pandemic, or was disorganized in coordinating a response, to the frustration of many business leaders including the CEOs of Walmart and Macy's, among others.
The Biden administration on January 20 earned an offer of help toward its goal from Amazon.com, to help with logistics, in addition to one from Starbucks earlier this week.
Also this week, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, chairman of the Business Roundtable, echoed the sense of urgency big business feels about taming the pandemic. "The Biden Administration and Congress have the opportunity to turn the corner on this pandemic," he said. "Addressing the health crisis has to be the top priority."
The Business Roundtable, and other business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, had soured on the ostensibly pro-business Trump administration in the wake of the violent mob attack on the Capitol two weeks ago and harshly criticized Trump for inciting his supporters. And after some senior Republicans led an effort to overturn the Nov. 3 election results, many large companies said they would pull back on political donations as a result.
With a new administration in place, business leaders have called for improvements to the immigration system, focus on renewing infrastructure, support for Americans in dire financial straits because of the pandemic, and efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change, in addition to accelerating the vaccine rollout.
"We welcome President Biden’s action to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. It is critical that the United States restore its leadership role in international efforts to address the climate challenge," the U.S. Chamber of Commerce tweeted on January 20 afternoon.