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Geoff Colvin






Intuit的業務蒸蒸日上,而且股價創下了歷史新高, 其解雇數百名員工的原因并非是需求崩潰或成本削減,而在于它所面臨的挑戰——要想成為顛覆的引領者,就必須顛覆自我。這是Intuit的核心能力,數十年以來,它一直通過顛覆自我來跟上Windows操作系統、互聯網、移動設備和云計算的發展步伐,并借此保持了自身的獨立地位。在近幾年,公司已經打造了新的業務模式,借助這種模式,公司能夠將使用Intuit軟件的傳統客戶與會計、簿記員聯系起來。




52歲的古達齊于2019年1月擔任Intuit的首席執行官,此前他曾擔任過該公司各大主要部門的負責人。古達齊出生于德黑蘭,9歲的時候來到了美國。他曾在霍尼韋爾和Invensys工作過,然后于14年前加入了Intuit。近期,他與《財富》探討了Intuit最近的重構,最近收購Credit Karma的交易,聯邦貿易委員會對TurboTax營銷的調查等等。以下內容為刪減后的對話:










在過去的18個月中,我們進行了三次“收購式招聘”,并借此引入了這一領域的技術,包括云軟件制造商Applatix、營銷分析Origami Logic,以及剛剛收購的幫助小企業管理庫存和訂單的TradeGecko。

美國司法部最近批準了貴公司以71億美元的價格收購Credit Karma的交易,前提是同意向Square出售稅務籌劃業務。為什么會提出這樣的交易?

我們擁有5700萬客戶,Credit Karma擁有1億多名客戶。后者掌握了你的所有開支和信用歷史,而我們擁有你所有的收入信息。在得到你的許可后,我們將賦予你這類數據的力量,這樣你便可以以最低的價格獲取適合你的最佳金融產品,包括信用卡、個人貸款、住房貸款、汽車貸款、家庭和汽車保險。如今,當你拿到一張信用卡時,你并不知道這個根據你的信譽分數所授予的利率是否是最低利率,但我們如今便可以實現這一點。

去年,2300萬人使用了發薪日貸款,并為此支付了過多的資金。我們可以根據所掌握的你的個人情況,讓你盡早獲取你的退稅和薪資信息。順便說一下,如果需要的話,我們可以提供現場專家咨詢,因為這恰好就是要整合至Credit Karma的服務。




聯邦貿易委員會一直在調查Intuit,因為有人稱公司利用TurboTax欺騙用戶為其服務支付費用,而這些用戶本可以通過IRS Free File項目進行免費報稅。這一切都源自于ProPublica的報道,這件事到底怎么回事?

我們堅信,幫助客戶免除稅務的理念是我們工作的一個重要組成部分,實際上也是我們策略的一個重要組成部分。我們與IRS圍繞Free File項目所做的工作都是免費的。落腳點都是為了做好事,但這件事剛好被某些新聞媒體給扭曲了。到目前為止,當我們每每與聯邦貿易委員會以及檢察長接觸時,他們的反饋都是:“既然我們已經了解了數據,我們真的不確定這有什么可大驚小怪的。”因此,我們對于這件事的后續進展非常有信心,因為我們不僅有可查的歷史記錄,同時還有文件證明,我們在這一方面所做的每一件事都是免費的。






Intuit的業務蒸蒸日上,而且股價創下了歷史新高, 其解雇數百名員工的原因并非是需求崩潰或成本削減,而在于它所面臨的挑戰——要想成為顛覆的引領者,就必須顛覆自我。這是Intuit的核心能力,數十年以來,它一直通過顛覆自我來跟上Windows操作系統、互聯網、移動設備和云計算的發展步伐,并借此保持了自身的獨立地位。在近幾年,公司已經打造了新的業務模式,借助這種模式,公司能夠將使用Intuit軟件的傳統客戶與會計、簿記員聯系起來。




52歲的古達齊于2019年1月擔任Intuit的首席執行官,此前他曾擔任過該公司各大主要部門的負責人。古達齊出生于德黑蘭,9歲的時候來到了美國。他曾在霍尼韋爾和Invensys工作過,然后于14年前加入了Intuit。近期,他與《財富》探討了Intuit最近的重構,最近收購Credit Karma的交易,聯邦貿易委員會對TurboTax營銷的調查等等。以下內容為刪減后的對話:










在過去的18個月中,我們進行了三次“收購式招聘”,并借此引入了這一領域的技術,包括云軟件制造商Applatix、營銷分析Origami Logic,以及剛剛收購的幫助小企業管理庫存和訂單的TradeGecko。

美國司法部最近批準了貴公司以71億美元的價格收購Credit Karma的交易,前提是同意向Square出售稅務籌劃業務。為什么會提出這樣的交易?

我們擁有5700萬客戶,Credit Karma擁有1億多名客戶。后者掌握了你的所有開支和信用歷史,而我們擁有你所有的收入信息。在得到你的許可后,我們將賦予你這類數據的力量,這樣你便可以以最低的價格獲取適合你的最佳金融產品,包括信用卡、個人貸款、住房貸款、汽車貸款、家庭和汽車保險。如今,當你拿到一張信用卡時,你并不知道這個根據你的信譽分數所授予的利率是否是最低利率,但我們如今便可以實現這一點。

去年,2300萬人使用了發薪日貸款,并為此支付了過多的資金。我們可以根據所掌握的你的個人情況,讓你盡早獲取你的退稅和薪資信息。順便說一下,如果需要的話,我們可以提供現場專家咨詢,因為這恰好就是要整合至Credit Karma的服務。




聯邦貿易委員會一直在調查Intuit,因為有人稱公司利用TurboTax欺騙用戶為其服務支付費用,而這些用戶本可以通過IRS Free File項目進行免費報稅。這一切都源自于ProPublica的報道,這件事到底怎么回事?

我們堅信,幫助客戶免除稅務的理念是我們工作的一個重要組成部分,實際上也是我們策略的一個重要組成部分。我們與IRS圍繞Free File項目所做的工作都是免費的。落腳點都是為了做好事,但這件事剛好被某些新聞媒體給扭曲了。到目前為止,當我們每每與聯邦貿易委員會以及檢察長接觸時,他們的反饋都是:“既然我們已經了解了數據,我們真的不確定這有什么可大驚小怪的。”因此,我們對于這件事的后續進展非常有信心,因為我們不僅有可查的歷史記錄,同時還有文件證明,我們在這一方面所做的每一件事都是免費的。




Sasan Goodarzi didn’t like doing what he did last June, but he felt he had to.

As CEO of Intuit, maker of TurboTax, QuickBooks, and other finance software for consumers and small-business owners, he oversees a longtime stalwart on Fortune’s ranking of America’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, currently No. 11. But in June he laid off 715 employees, an unprecedented event in the company’s 37-year history. “It is with a heavy heart that I communicate these changes,” he told employees in a long blog post. His reasons and what he’s doing now are worth a close look because companies across the economy are facing the same issues that Goodarzi faces and will likely confront some of the same decisions.

Intuit isn’t laying off hundreds because of crushed demand or cost cutting; business is booming, and the stock is hitting all-time highs. The challenge is keeping the company ahead of disruption by disrupting itself. That’s a core competency at Intuit, which has stayed independent by disrupting itself over the decades to meet the advent of the Windows operating system, the Internet, mobile devices, and cloud computing. In recent years the company has created new business models in which it connects its traditional customers with accountants and bookkeepers, with all parties using Intuit software.

Now, in the era of artificial intelligence, it’s time to self-disrupt again. “With customer needs rapidly evolving and competitors aiming to disrupt us, we need to act now and with urgency,” Goodarzi told employees. That meant eliminating jobs that were “not aligned to where we are investing for the future” and hiring over 700 new employees “to build the capabilities needed as we look ahead.”

The broader issue is reskilling, a hot topic for companies in every industry as the pandemic accelerates technology trends. Is training a realistic option, or does today’s urgency require hiring the needed skills? Intuit does both under chief data officer Ashok Srivastava. The company offers employees a rigorous six-month course in A.I. in which students “go through it from the definition of A.I. all the way to algorithms,” he says. A one-day course is available for those who want “a glimpse of A.I.,” and Srivastava teaches a five-part course that he created for product managers, executives, and others who are less tech-focused.

But that isn’t enough, so Srivastava also oversees the hiring of the specialized software engineers Intuit needs right away. His description of how he chooses them is a valuable guide for anyone hiring or looking to be hired for the new skills a company needs, whatever they may be. “Obviously [candidates] should have the right technical credentials,” he says. “That goes without saying. But I can tell you what I'm really looking for. I'm looking for people who are flexible thinkers, who are mission oriented, people who can communicate and collaborate very effectively with others, who can see the world from another person's point of view, who can represent diverse ideas, diverse ways of thinking about things. That's what I'm looking for.”

Goodarzi, 52, became Intuit’s CEO in January 2019 after leading each of its major businesses. Born in Tehran, he came to the U.S. at age 9; he worked at Honeywell and Invensys before joining Intuit 14 years ago. He spoke recently with Fortune about Intuit’s latest reinvention, the recent acquisition of Credit Karma, a Federal Trade Commission investigation of TurboTax marketing, and more. Edited excerpts:

Many companies are using A.I., but you’re doing more—putting it at the center of Intuit’s reinvention. How come?

Goodarzi: There have been two platforms that have ignited global innovation. One was electricity, which was long before our time. The second was the Internet. It ignited an incredible amount of innovation, and we're still innovating based on that. And to me, the third one is A.I. We're going to look back at A.I. in five to 10 years and, undisputed, it will be as powerful as the impact of electricity and the Internet.

That's why it's core to our strategy. We spent quite a bit of time describing what we mean by A.I., because everybody uses the word “A.I.”—it's a fancy word to use. We defined A.I. as machine learning, knowledge engineering, and natural language processing. Those three elements we believe fundamentally can accelerate innovation.

When you look at our strategy, it is about being an A.I.-driven expert platform. It's all about technology solving massive customer problems and digitizing services.

Practically, what will be the role of A.I.? What can it do that couldn't be done before, and how will it add value?

If you're in New York or California and you're engaging with an expert, the expert can be anywhere. They can be in Boise, Idaho. A.I. instantly helps that bookkeeper in Boise understand your tax situation based on everything we know about you. It will lay out the three insights the bookkeeper needs to share with you. It's all about building your confidence and building a relationship. A.I. will help the bookkeeper deliver insights that will save you money. It can do the same thing with a small business. Based on all the data we see, we think you can go buy inventory. And by the way, based on what we know about you and your creditworthiness, you’re eligible for taking out a $100,000 loan. A.I. does all that rather than the bookkeeper having to crunch all the work. And based on what it knows about you and people like you, it also knows how to skip a bunch of stuff that's not relevant for you.

Intuit has never laid off as many employees as you laid off in June. Why was that the right way to go?

To manage these complex distributed A.I. models in the cloud, we need systems engineers, full-stack engineers, engineers who have a lot of experience with native computing and mobile computing in the cloud. We need a lot of workforce analysts and process engineers. This requires training our folks, but it also requires bringing skills in from the outside. The training side is really hard. It's really hard. It's much easier to go hire someone with these skills versus training, but there aren't actually too many people like this. So you have to invest the time doing both.

We’re investing in our training capability because we do have people who understand systems engineering, for example, or full-stack engineering, but we need to build the capability to provide the training. So the approach we're taking is to build out our educational capabilities and teach internally while also using partners like Amazon—we're very close partners with them since we've shifted everything to Amazon Web Services—to teach these capabilities.

And in the past 18 months we've made three “acquihires” where we've brought in skills in this area—Applatix [a maker of cloud software], Origami Logic [marketing analytics], and we just acquired TradeGecko [software to help small businesses manage inventory and orders].

The U.S. Justice Department recently cleared your $7.1 billion acquisition of Credit Karma after the company agreed to sell its tax preparation business to Square. Why this deal?

We have 57 million customers; Credit Karma has 100-million-plus customers. They have all your spending and credit history. We have all your income information. With your permission, we're going to give you the power of that data so you can get access to the best financial products that are right for you at the lowest rates—credit cards, personal loans, home loans, auto loans, home and auto insurance. Right now, when you go get a credit card, you don't know if it's the best rate you can get based on your credit score. We can now make that happen.

Last year 23 million people went to get payday loans and paid exorbitant amounts of money. We can give you early access to your tax refund and your paycheck based on what we know about you. And by the way, we can give you live expertise if you need it, because it's just a service that will plug into Credit Karma.

Intuit’s mission is “powering prosperity around the world,” but the business is still mostly in the U.S. When will it become truly global?

We are getting traction. We now have almost 30% of all of our cloud QuickBooks customers international, and revenue is growing at 52%. We studied our own history to understand, when we went into a country, how did we make that decision? What choices did we make? We also studied companies that were born international or have been successful internationally. So we studied one of our competitors, Xero [a New Zealand–based tax and accounting software company that operates globally]. We studied Airbnb and PayPal to understand how they approach building a global company. All of that informed a global playbook, and because of that playbook we've been able to accelerate in countries that we're in and make decisions to back off of certain countries. We just announced in September that we're backing off from India because financial management is not a strong category in India. A lot of other things are, but not financial management.

You'll probably be talking about the success of international with the next CEO, because it's going to take us another 10 to 15 years to really have it be a substantial part of the company. But I like our progress. That's essential to our future.

The Federal Trade Commission has been investigating Intuit over allegations that it deceived users of TurboTax into paying for the service when they could have filed for free through the IRS Free File program. This all arose out of reporting by ProPublica. Where does the matter stand?

Our very strong belief is that the notion of making free taxes available to customers is an important part of what we do as a company and actually an important part of our strategy. The work that we've done with the IRS around the Free File program has all been philanthropic. It has all been around doing good, and the matter has just been very much twisted by a certain outlet. So far in every engagement we've had with the FTC and attorneys general, their feedback has been, “Now that we understand the data, we're not actually sure what the fuss is about.” So we have a lot of confidence in terms of how this will play out, because we have not only a track record, but documentation that everything we've done is philanthropic.

The biggest learning we've had, and I've shared this with the company, is that even when you're doing something that's good and philanthropic, if you have a hard time explaining it, then it's time to step back and say, well, is this the right place for us to be investing philanthropic efforts? That's what we're evaluating now more than ever. It's proceeding, and I would say the facts are on our side, and that will reveal itself very soon.



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