上周,知名設計師凱特·絲蓓和美食節目主持人安東尼·波爾頓自殺的消息占據各大頭條,也引發美國探討心理健康的熱潮。 在絲蓓去世幾天后,美國疾病控制與預防中心發布的一份新研究顯示,過去三十年美國自殺數據呈不斷上升趨勢,令人頗為不安。 研究人員發現,研究期間自殺者身亡時超過一半并未診斷出心理疾病,專家指出心理疾病的嚴重性可能遭到低估。 疾病控制與預防中心的報告顯示,心理疾病只是引發自殺風險的誘因之一,其他因素還包括感情不順、藥物濫用、身體健康問題、工作或金錢相關壓力,以及法律或住房問題等等。 對于生活在抑郁或焦慮中的人們來說,有很多方式可以改進心情并減輕絕望情緒,例如心理治療或服用藥物。但身處數字時代,很多人也在智能手機上尋求幫助,比如使用行為健康應用。 雖說手機應用沒法完全取代專業援助,但勝在方便,它可以為人們提供更多支持,也能提供管理負面情緒的工具。 以下列出七個應用(iOS和安卓用戶均可使用),既有互助聊天室也有情感跟蹤工具,都有助于自我情緒管理。 |
The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain captured?last week’s headlines, sparking a much-needed national conversation about mental health. Just days after Spade’s death, new research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed an unsettling increase in suicides across the United States over the past three decades. Researchers found that more than half of the people who died of suicide during the study did not have a reported mental health diagnosis at the time of death, but experts note that mental health conditions most likely were underreported. In addition to mental illness, other issues, including relationship problems, substance abuse, physical health problems, job- or money-related stress, legal or housing problems often contributed to risk for suicide, the CDC report found. For those living with depression or anxiety, there are a variety of treatment options available to help improve mood and reduce hopelessness, such as psychotherapy or prescription medication. However, in today’s digital age, many are turning to the additional support available at the touch of a screen — behavioral health apps. While a phone application cannot completely replace professional help, their accessibility provides an additional source of support and a tool to help manage negative thoughts. Whether it’s a peer-support chat room or a mood-tracker, these seven apps (which are all available for both iOS and Android users) can be extremely useful tools for practicing self-care. |
1.Moodpath Moodpath提出一些日常問題,檢測是否存在抑郁癥狀。用戶可能只是這一周麻煩有點多,也可能面臨心理健康風險,不管是哪種情況,Moodpath都會努力幫助用戶走出內心陰霾。 該應用主要通過問答判斷用戶的健康狀況,篩查罹患臨床抑郁癥的用戶,而且可以提升用戶對自己想法和感受的認知和理解。 兩周后,Moodpath會向用戶提供電子文檔,協助與醫護人員探討。該應用還提供了150多種心理練習,進一步加強心理健康。 |
1. Moodpath Moodpath asks daily questions to screen for symptoms of depression. Whether it’s been a rough week or it’s a concern about mental health, Moodpath aims to support and guide users out of the dark. By using the questions to measure users’ well-being and screen for symptoms of clinical depression, the app seeks to increase users’ awareness and understanding of their thoughts and feelings. After two weeks, the Moodpath provides users with an electronic document designed to aid in discussion with healthcare professionals. More than 150 psychological exercises are also provided to help further strengthen mental health in the meantime. |
2. MY3 MY3適合抑郁或有自殺傾向的人,可以幫用戶識別自己或他人身上的自殺跡象。 MY3鼓勵用戶選擇三個親密聯系人,心情極其低落時也能放心聯絡。 該應用還幫用戶制定個人安全計劃,讓用戶理清思路,列舉出個人危險信號,相應解決方案,以及搭建幫扶網絡。 |
2. MY3 Designed for people who are depressed or suicidal, the MY3 app trains users to recognize suicide warning signs in themselves and others. MY3 prompts users to choose three close contacts that they would feel comfortable contacting when feeling particularly low. The app also helps users create a personal safety plan that encourages them to think through and list personal warning signs, coping strategies, and support networks. |
3. TalkLife 有時跟理解自己的人們聊一聊很有幫助。TalkLife就打造了全天不間斷的互助聊天社區。 用戶可以在TalkLife社區里匿名分享個人經歷。數千人在應用中聊天,隨時提供精神支持。 TalkLife的用戶也不用擔心被噴,因為應用受到臨床管制,非常重視分享環境的安全性。 |
? 3. TalkLife Sometimes it’s important to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through. TalkLife provides users with a peer-support community 24/7. Users can also share their experiences anonymously through TalkLife. Thousands of people are available to talk on the app, ready to lend their emotional support. TalkLife users also don’t need to worry about trolls — the app is clinically governed, and safeguarding is a main concern. |
4. MoodTools MoodTools的主要功能是對抗負面思想,通過各種經研究支持的工具減輕絕望感。 思想日記就是個很有用的工具。用戶可以寫下每天的想法,分析識別負面想法的規律。 該應用由多位心理健康專家聯合設計,還向用戶提供安全計劃工具、自救指引、資訊視頻,還有檢測抑郁癥狀嚴重程度的問卷。 |
4. MoodTools MoodTools is designed to combat negative thoughts and alleviate feelings of hopelessness through a variety of research-supported tools. A thought diary is one of these useful tools. Users are encouraged to write down daily thoughts in order to analyze and identify negative thinking patterns. Designed in collaboration with multiple mental health professionals, the app also provides users with a safety plan tool, self-help guidelines, informational videos, as well as a depression questionnaire designed to track severity of symptoms over time. |
5. What's Up What's Up采用認知行為療法和接受與實現療法,追蹤積極和消極的習慣,幫助用戶保持良好習慣,同時擯棄不良習慣。 “四處看看”頁面上有100多個不同的問題,用戶可確定具體的感受,而“思想模式”頁面可以幫助用戶克服內心的負面聲音。 |
? 5. What's Up Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy, What's Up uses a positive and negative habit tracker to help users keep up with good habits and ditch those that are counterproductive. While the “Get Grounded” page contains more than 100 different questions designed to help users pinpoint specific feelings, the “Thinking Patterns” page helps users overcome these negative inner monologues. |
6. Headspace Headspace應用可以幫用戶在繁忙的工作生活中保持放松和正念,主要是通過指導冥想。 Headspace提供冥想技巧,幫助用戶輕松降低壓力。如果癥狀更嚴重,應用里還有“SOS求救”功能,可以在恐慌或嚴重焦慮時啟用。 |
? 6. Headspace The Headspace app is aimed at helping users maintain relaxation and mindfulness during busy schedules, specifically through guided meditations. Through meditation techniques, Headspace provides a simple way to reframe stress. For more serious conditions, the app contains “SOS sessions” to manage moments of panic or severe anxiety. |
7. SuperBetter SuperBetter是一款用來提升韌性、力量和樂觀的游戲,可緩解焦慮、抑郁和創傷后應激障礙等癥狀。 賓夕法尼亞大學一份研究顯示,用戶玩SuperBetter 30天后,情緒改善,癥狀減輕,也更有信心達到目標。 SuperBetter主要幫助用戶培養新習慣,加強人際關系,完成有意義的項目,從而實現人生目標。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
7. SuperBetter A game focused on increasing resiliency, strength, and optimism, SuperBetter helps relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. When people played SuperBetter for 30 days, their moods improved, symptoms decreased, and self-belief in achieving goals increased, according to a study by the University of Pennsylvania. SuperBetter is designed to help users adopt new habits, strengthen relationships, complete meaningful projects, and achieve lifelong goals. |