如果你早餐更喜歡吃披薩,而不是喝一碗麥片,一名營養學家告訴你:放心吃吧。 營養學家切爾茜·阿梅爾最近在接受《每日餐飲》雜志采訪時表示,一塊意大利辣腸披薩可能比一碗Rice Krispies麥片更適合作為早餐。 阿梅爾說道:“你會吃驚地發現,一片普通尺寸的披薩與一碗全脂牛奶麥片所含的熱量幾乎相同。但披薩的蛋白質含量更高,讓你更容易吃飽,在整個上午保持飽腹感。” 一塊披薩餅確實脂肪含量更高,但阿梅爾稱它的含糖量低于一碗普通麥片,因此可以避免因為攝入糖分過多,在上午十點左右出現低血糖反應,即所謂的“糖崩潰”。 當然,這并不意味著你應該開始在每天早上8點,從達美樂(Dominos)訂披薩。雖然一塊披薩可能比一大碗含糖麥片更健康,但它并非早餐的最佳選擇。最健康的早餐應該是高蛋白、低脂肪的食物,例如炒雞蛋。(財富中文網) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓? |
If you’d rather reach for a piece of pizza than a bowl of cereal in the morning, one dietician says go ahead. In a recent interview with The Daily Meal dietitian, Chelsey Amer suggested that reaching for a slice of pepperoni might actually be better for you than pouring yourself a bowl of Rice Krispies. “You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” Amer said. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.” Yes, that slice of pie is probably loaded with grease, but Amer says it contains less sugar than your average bowl of cereal, preventing you from having a mid-morning sugar crash. That doesn’t mean you should start placing 8am calls to Dominos. While a slice of pizza might be healthier than a big bowl of sugary cereal, it’s still not the best choice you can make for the first meal of the day. Instead, look for other high-protein and low-fat alternatives such as scrambled eggs. |