今年夏天被亞馬遜收購的全食超市最近發布了未來一年的食品流行趨勢。 全食超市指派遍布全球的采購員和專家——品酒大師、全球飲料和肉類采購員,專門收集對來年趨勢的預測。根據調查結果,以下品類明年很可能會加入店鋪貨架,最后進入你的購物籃。 |
At least that’s the future that Whole Foods is predicting. The high-end grocer, which was acquired by Amazon this summer, just came out out with its annual list of food trends for the year ahead. Whole Foods tapped its global buyers and experts—ranging from its master sommelier and global beverage buyer to its global meat buyer—to find out what they’re seeing on the ground. Expect the following items to make their way to store shelves, and very likely into your shopping basket. |
可食花 準備好品嘗花朵吧。從拿鐵咖啡、格蘭諾拉麥片到棉花糖,到處都出現了薰衣草、玫瑰和木槿花的身影。全食超市已經將接骨木花譽為MVP(最有價值的花瓣)。 |
Floral Flavors Get ready to eat flowers. Lavender, rose and hibiscus are showing up in everything from lattes to granola to marshmallows. And Whole Foods has called out elderflower as the MVP (Most Valuable Petal). |
營養粉 如今營養棒、湯類、烘焙食品等經常加入抹茶、瑪卡根、可可和姜黃粉。比如美國谷類早餐制造商家樂氏最近收購的公司RXBar就選用了一種蛋清蛋白粉。 |
Powders The likes of matcha, maca root, cacao, and ground turmeric are now in everything from nutrition bars to soups to baked goods. For example, RXBar, which was recently acquired by Kellogg, uses a powdered egg-white protein. |
蘑菇 菌類和具有“功能性”作用的其他品種正拋開農產品的身份,為咖啡和茶等飲品助陣。靈芝和白樺茸等蘑菇類食物也成為營養食品的原料。預計在香皂之類身體護理產品中也會開始出現。 |
Mushrooms Fungi are making their escape from the produce aisle with “functional” varietals—mushrooms like reishi and chaga that are used as a wellness ingredient—and making appearances in beverages like coffees and teas. Expect them to also turn up in your body products like soaps. |
中東料理 全食超市預計,2018年將是中東料理全面晉身主流的一年。除了鷹嘴豆泥、皮塔餅、炸豆丸子等入門級菜品,消費者希望品嘗其他中東美食。突尼斯辣醬、小豆蔻和扎阿塔爾等香料和中東風味番茄燉蛋沙卡蔬卡會更頻繁地出現在餐桌上。 |
Middle Eastern Cuisine Whole Foods predicts that 2018 will be the year Middle Eastern fare will fully hit the mainstream. And consumers will look beyond the hummus, pita and falafel the company says were “entry points” into the category. Spices like harissa, cardamom, and za’atar, and dishes like shakshuka should start popping up more and more. |
食品透明度高 比起以前,消費者想多了解有關食品的信息。于是食品生產商開始添加大量標簽,比如屬于非轉基因食品、經由可靠渠道種植和養殖、公平貿易認證食品等等。 |
Transparency Consumers are demanding more information about their food than ever before and manufacturers have responded with a plethora of labels: GMO-free, responsibly grown and raised, and Fair Trade, to name just a few. |
植物類食品 以前只有素食主義者喜歡植物蛋白。隨著科技更先進,植物類漢堡包和堅果奶、酸奶之類食品也在吸引一些愛吃肉和乳制品的人。為了更好地保護動物、環保和促進健康,人們愿意減少肉類和乳制品消費。 |
Plant-Based Products At one time plant-based proteins were just for vegans and vegetarians. But better technology is making products like plant-based burgers and nut milks and yogurts appealing to even the most enthusiastic meat and dairy eaters who want to cut back for animal welfare, environmental, or health reasons. |
膨化食品 有一種加工和融合食材的新方式,業內稱為擠壓法,意味著現在可以生產各類膨化的脫水食品。比如爆米花團,想嘗嘗么? |
Puffed and Popped New ways of processing and combining ingredients—what the industry calls extrusion methods—means that snacks are now coming in puffed, popped, and dried varietals. Puffed rice cluster, anyone? |
無殼類食材制作墨西哥卷餅 墨西哥卷餅越發流行,烹飪界對墨西哥卷餅的固有印象也在改變。曾經只作為早餐和甜品的墨西哥卷餅現在成了家常菜,大廚們正在開創新做法,尤其是餅皮和陷料方面。 |
Shell-less Tacos The taco craze is hitting new heights, as the culinary world redefines what it even means to be a taco. Tacos for breakfast and dessert are now the norm, and chefs are pushing the boundaries on what can be used as a wrapper and filling. |
不浪費任何食材烹飪 從動物的鼻子到尾巴,從植物的根到莖,不浪費分毫食材烹制食物的做法受到消費者歡迎。越來越多食品生產商在響應號召,將以前當作垃圾的動植物部位變廢為寶。腌西瓜皮就是個例子。 |
No-Waste Cooking Nose-to-tail, root-to-stem—call it whatever you want but cutting back on food waste is gaining traction with consumers. A growing group of food manufacturers are answering the call by using parts of plants or animals that were once considered trash—think pickled watermelon rinds. |
氣泡類飲料 看起來,風味氣泡水LaCroix大賣只是冰山一角。今后氣泡類飲料可能會出現爆炸式增長,不管是是塞爾茲蘇打水、純凈水還是冷泡咖啡,不過含糖量都會遠低于傳統汽水。(財富中文網) |
Bubbles It turns out the LaCroix craze was just the tip of the iceberg. Get ready for an explosion of sparkling drinks—whether that’s in the seltzer, water, or cold brew coffee category—that clock in at a much lower sugar count than soda. |