英國倫敦 得分:95.175 在英國的首都,你絕對不會感到無聊,倫敦既是一座國際化大都市,也有著典型的英倫風味和傳統特色。這里有白金漢宮,你還可以在英王衛士的帶領下參觀倫敦塔,當然還有威斯敏斯特教堂(在晚禱期間可免費參觀,并且無需排隊)。夏季可以在環球劇場觀看露天的莎士比亞戲劇表演,持續穿過超現代化的千禧橋(或非常古老的倫敦橋)即可到達,劇場緊挨博羅市場。但倫敦也有許多知名度不高但值得花時間和精力體驗一番的活動。在紅磚巷社區體會倫敦豐富的多元文化,你可以在這里品嘗到印度之外最正宗的印度美食,或者前往大英圖書館,這里收藏有甲殼蟲樂隊在用過的紙巾上寫下的歌詞原件、《英國大憲章》和亨德爾的《彌賽亞》原譜。 |
London, England Score: 95.175 You will never be at a loss for things to do in England’s capital city, which is truly international and cosmopolitan as much as it is quintessentially British and old school. Yes, there’s Buckingham Palace, tours of the Tower of London led by Yeomen warriors, and Westminster Abbey (go for free during an Evensong service and skip the queue). And in the summertime, there are open-air Shakespearean productions at the Globe Theater, just a quick walk across the ultra-modern Millennium Bridge (or the ultra-old London Bridge) and beside Borough Market. But London has its lesser-known diversions that are just as worth the time and effort to see. Experience the rich global diversity of London in the Brick Lane neighborhood, where you can feast on the best Indian cuisine outside of India, or at the British Library, which houses original Beatles lyrics scrawled on used napkins, the Magna Carta, and Handel’s original messiah. |